1 XPROXYMANAGER Starts the DECwindows X proxy manager. The DECwindows proxy manager relieves proxy clients from managing proxy servers. Instead of sending a request directly to a proxy server, the client sends a request to the proxy manager indicating the requested X server. The proxy manager is responsible for either using an existing proxy server or starting a new proxy server. Once the manager finds a proxy server it returns the proxy server's address to the client. The proxy manager is an optional DECwindows component. If the proxy manager is used it is usually started automatically at DECwindows startup time. Format: XPROXYMANAGER [qualifiers] 2 /CONFIGURATION /CONFIGURATION=file-specification Specifies the configuration file that the proxy manager should use to define the available proxy services. The default is SYS$LOGIN:DECW$XPROXYMANAGER.DECW$PMCFG. 2 /LOG /LOG=file-specification /NOLOG Specifies the log file that the proxy manager should use to log errors. The proxy manager uses this file to record each request for a proxy server. The default is /NOLOG. If the /VERBOSE qualifier is specified, the default is /LOG. If /LOG is specified without a value, the output is sent to SYS$ERROR by default. If an incomplete specification is entered, the following directory specification is used to complete the command: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[]DECW$XPROXYMANAGER.LOG 2 /PORT /PORT=integer Specifies the port number that this server monitors for incoming requests. For the TCP/IP transport, this qualifier specifies an IP port number from the port number space shared by all users of TCP/IP. For the DECnet and Local transports, this qualifier specifies a number that is used to create a unique resource name from the name space of all users of the Inter-Client Exchange (ICE) protocol. Specify a value from 1 to 16383. The default port number is 6500. 2 /TRANSPORT /TRANSPORT="transport-string" Specifies the transports which this proxy manager monitors for incoming client requests. The default is /TRANSPORT="LOCAL,DECNET,TCPIP". 2 /VERBOSE /VERBOSE /NOVERBOSE Specifies whether the proxy manager should log every proxy request to the proxy manager log file, in addition to error messages. If the /LOG qualifier is specified, the default is /VERBOSE. If the /LOG qualifier is not specified, the default is /NOVERBOSE. 2 Example 1. $ XPROXYMANAGER - _$/CONFIGURATION=SYS$MANAGER:DECW$LBXPROXY.DECW$PMCFG - _$/LOG=SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PM.LOG Starts a proxy manager using the configuration file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$LBXPROXY.DECW$PMCFG and the log file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PM.LOG.