1 RLOGIN Initiates an interactive login session with a remote host. DCL Format RLOGIN /DROP_TIMEOUT=seconds host [ /EIGHTBIT ] [ /ESCAPE_CHARACTER=character ] [ /LOG_FILE=file ] [ /[NO]LOWERCASE ] [ /PROBE_TIMEOUT=seconds ] [ /TERMINAL_SPEED=baud ] [ /TERMINAL_TYPE=type ] [ /[NO]TRUNCATE_USER_NAME ] [ /USER_NAME=remote_user_name]) UNIX Format rlogin host [ -8 ] [ -ec ] [ -l remote_user_name ] 2 Parameters host Required. Remote host to which you want to connect. 2 Qualifiers /DROP_TIMEOUT /DROP_TIMEOUT=seconds Required if you set /PROBE_TIMEOUT. Maximum interval, in seconds, that your network link can be down before the software closes it. /EIGHTBIT /EIGHTBIT -8 (valid only on UNIX systems) Optional. Default: only 7-bit data is sent. Accepts 8-bit data from the terminal and sends it to the remote system. /ESCAPE_CHARACTER /ESCAPE_CHARACTER=character -ec (valid only on UNIX systems) Optional. Default: ~ (tilde). New escape character if you want to close your RLOGIN session from the remote host. To close your session from your local host, use a period ( . ) as the escape command. /LOG_FILE /LOG_FILE=file Optional. Default: no logging. Logs a copy of the output to the specified file. Output continues to be directed to SYS$OUTPUT while it is being recorded in the log file. /LOWERCASE /LOWERCASE /NOLOWERCASE Optional. Default: /LOWERCASE. Sends your local user name to the remote host in lowercase. To send your user name in uppercase, do either of the following: o Specify /NOLOWERCASE. o Enclose the user name in quotation marks ( " " ). (See the /USER_NAME qualifier.) To send your user name in mixed case, enclose it in quotation marks. /PROBE_TIMEOUT /PROBE_TIMEOUT=seconds Required if you set /DROP_TIMEOUT. Interval, in seconds, that TCP/IP Services checks to see whether your network link and the remote host are still up. /TERMINAL_SPEED /TERMINAL_SPEED=baud Optional. Default: current speed of your terminal. Terminal speed in baud rate. /TERMINAL_TYPE /TERMINAL_TYPE=type Optional. Default: type of physical terminal you are using. Terminal type. Use this qualifier if the remote host does not recognize your terminal. /TRUNCATE_USER_NAME /TRUNCATE_USER_NAME /NOTRUNCATE_USER_NAME Optional. Default: /NOTRUNCATE_USER_NAME. Abbreviates the user name sent to the remote host to eight characters. (Required for older UNIX hosts, which limit user names to eight characters.) /USER_NAME /USER_NAME=remote_user_name -l remote_user_name (valid only on UNIX systems) Optional. Default: current name on local host, but in lowercase. Your user name on the remote host. Specify this qualifier if your user names on the remote host and local host are different. To send your user name in uppercase, do either of the following: o Specify /NOLOWERCASE. o Enclose the user name in quotation marks ( " " ). To send your user name in mixed case, enclose it in quotation marks. 2 Examples 1.$ RLOGIN /USER_NAME="BlissTon" ROLLS An OpenVMS user logs in to account BlissTon on UNIX host rolls. The mixed-case remote user name is enclosed in quotation marks so that RLOGIN does not send it all lowercase. This example assumes the user has a proxy account on the remote host. 2.$ RLOGIN /NOLOWERCASE /USER_NAME=DAVE PLETHORA User DAVE starts an interactive login session with UNIX host plethora. Because this user has an uppercase user name, it is specified with the /NOLOWERCASE qualifier. This example assumes the user has a proxy account on the remote host. 3.$ RLOGIN /ESCAPE_CHARACTER="+" PJARO Password: (password not echoed) Last login: Fri Aug 21 16:50:40 from world.wide.webber.com Compaq Tru64 System - 4: Tues Aug 25 11:02:20 EST 2003 You have mail. Tues Aug 25 11:02:20 EST 2002 pjaro> who black ttyp0 Aug 20 11:02 grades.philosophy.ucd.edu. bristow ttyp1 Aug 12 09:00 grades.biology.ucd.edu. cutler ttyp2 Aug 24 08:55 grades.math.ucd.edu. pjaro> pwd /usr/users/black pjaro> ls bin Sem1.paper Sem2.paper pjaro> +. (characters not echoed) %RLOGIN-S-REMCLOSED, Remote connection closed $ OpenVMS user BLACK, with UNIX user name black, logs in to UNIX host pjaro and resets the escape character to a plus sign. By default, TCP/IP Services passes the user name and commands to the remote host in lowercase. 4.$ RLOGIN FANTAC OpenVMS Version 7.3 - Unauthorized access is prohibited. Username: TDERR Password: (password not echoed) . . . $ User TDERR logs in to remote OpenVMS host FANTAC. 5.$ RLOGIN QANCE /DROP_TIMEOUT=45 %RLOGIN-E-INETERROR, Internet interface error -RLOGIN-I-INETCALL, setsockopt(TCP_DROP_IDLE) -SYSTEM-F-BADPARAM, bad parameter value $ The command fails because the /DROP_TIMEOUT and /PROBE_TIMEOUT qualifiers must both be set.