VMS Help  —  Getinput
   Getinput is a replacement for INQUIRE and/or "READ SYS$COMMAND"
   Commonly used options in DCL routines, can be handled by Getinput.
   Getinput reads user input from SYS$COMMAND and returns the given
   OutputSymbol with this input. Getinput is able to compare the
   input to given valid answers. Options as echo/noecho and timeout
   are also available.

   Format:  GETINPUT OutputSymbol


   1. Getinput returns the given input into the given OutputSymbol.

   2. Getinput creates a status symbol GETINPUT_STATUS:

   SUCCES     Getinput has ended successfully
   CTRLZ      The userinput was CTRL-Z
   TIMEOUT    The user did not give any userinput within the timeout period
   ERROR      Getinput ended with errors
   TRUNCATED  Getinput has ended successfully, but the input is truncated
Additional Information: explode extract
Parameter Special input characters


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