1 ADD Format: ADD filename When editing a message draft or new message, this command attaches the specified file to the current message. MIME maintains a list of known file types associated with various file name extensions; for example, files that end in ".TXT" are treated as text. Use the SHOW FILE_TYPES command to display this list of file types. To override the default file type associated with any file, use one of the ADD command qualifiers. 2 /BINARY Sets Content-Type to "application/octet-stream" and Content-Transfer-Encoding to "Base64". This format can be used to represent an arbitrary binary data stream. 2 /CONTENT_TYPE /CONTENT_TYPE="type/subtype" Overrides the default Content-Type and sets it to the specified type and subtype (enclosed in quotation marks). See RFC 1700 for a list of registered media types and subtypes. Examples of types include text, image, message, application, audio, and so forth. Subtypes specify the type of content, such as jpg, bmp, gif, html, or plain. 2 /ENCODING /ENCODING_TYPE=encoding-type Overrides the default Content-Transfer-Encoding and sets it to the specified type. Permissible types are: 7Bit, 8Bit, Base64, or Quoted-Printable. Experimentation may be necessary to achieve the desired result. However, it is suggested to use Base64 for most binary files, such as JPG and GIF image files. 2 /MESSAGE Sets Content-Type to "message/rfc822", indicating that the attachment contains the text of a message to be forwarded as an attachment. Content-Transfer-Encoding for the attachment is set to 7Bit. 2 /TEXT Sets Content-Type to "text/plain" and sets Content-Transfer-Encoding to 7Bit. 2 Example MIME> add /content_type ="image/gif" /encoding=base64 filename.gif This adds an "IMAGE" attachment with a subtype of "GIF" using an encoding scheme of "BASE64" for the "filename.gif" file. Use the SHOW FILE_TYPES command to display the list of file types and their settings. 3 Example MIME> add myfile.txt This would add the file "myfile.txt" with the default settings specified by the program and also any found in the file MIME$FILETYPES.DAT file. The current default settings for a text (.TXT) file are: the content type set to "text/plain;" with a content type parameter of "charset=ISO-8859-1" and an encoding of "7bit/8bit". Use the SHOW FILE_TYPES command to display the list of file types and their settings.