1 QUIT Exits you from Mail without emptying the WASTEBASKET folder. If you enter the QUIT command to exit from Mail, queued messages will be printed. If you enter Ctrl/Y, queued messages will not print. If you enter the QUIT command or Ctrl/Y, deleted messages are not purged; they will be purged only if you enter the EXIT command or Ctrl/Z and AUTO_PURGE is set. Format QUIT 2 Example MAIL> 2 MAIL> DELETE MAIL> 6 MAIL> DELETE MAIL> QUIT $ MAIL MAIL> SELECT WASTEBASKET %MAIL-I-SELECTED, 2 messages selected MAIL> DIRECTORY WASTEBASKET # From Date Subject 1 FRANCO 11-DEC-1994 Swiss Chocolates 2 ZEUS 12-DEC-1994 Austrian Pastry This example shows how to use the QUIT command to avoid emptying the WASTEBASKET folder.