1 SUBSTITUTE The SUBSTITUTE (abbreviated S) command replaces occurrences of one string of characters with another string. Format: SUBSTITUTE/string-1/string-2/ [range] [/BRIEF[:n]] [/QUERY] [/NOTYPE] Any nonalphanumeric character except % can be used as string delimiters. All occurrences of string-1 within the specified range are replaced with string-2. If you do not specify range, a single occurrence in the current line is substituted. The line in which the substitution occurred is typed after each substitution. 2 /BRIEF[:n] When you select the /BRIEF (abbreviated /BR) option, only the first n characters of the line are displayed. If you omit n, the default is 10. 2 /NOTYPE When you specify /NOTYPE (abbreviated /NOT) the lines in which substitutions occurred are not typed. 2 NEXT The SUBSTITUTE NEXT (abbreviated N) command replaces the next occurrence of string-1 with string-2. Format: [SUBSTITUTE] NEXT [/string-1/string-2/] The search for string-1 is made forward from the current location. When a substitution is made, the line where the substitution occurs becomes the current line. When the optional strings are omitted, the strings used in the last SUBSTITUTE or SUBSTITUTE NEXT command are used. 2 /QUERY Format: /QUERY When you use the QUERY (abbreviated /Q) qualifier, EDT prompts you with a question mark (?) to verify each substitution. Responses are: Y Yes, do the substitution. N No, do not do the substitution. Q Quit, terminate the command. A All, do the rest of the substitutions without query.