1 SHOW The SHOW commands are used to display detailed information about the Kerberos user or database. 2 POLICY policy_name The SHOW POLICY command is used to display detail information about a policy in the Kerberos database. 3 Qualifiers 3 /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=[(output file)] (default is SYS$OUTPUT) Specifies the output file to use. 3 Examples KerberosAdmin> Show Policy TestPolicy Requests the detail information for the policy TestPolicy. 2 PRINCIPAL principal_name The SHOW PRINCIPAL command is used to display detailed information about a principal in the Kerberos database. 3 Qualifiers 3 /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=[(output file)] (default is SYS$OUTPUT) Specifies the output file to use. 3 Examples KerberosAdmin> Show Principal TestPrincipal Requests the detailed information for the principal TestPrincipal. 2 PRIVILEGE The SHOW PRIVILEGE command is used to display the current user's enabled Kerberos privileges. 3 Qualifiers 3 /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=[(output file)] (default is SYS$OUTPUT) Specifies the output file to use. 3 Examples KerberosAdmin> Show Privilege Requests the current user's privilege information.