1 FTP Starts an FTP session and does one of the following: o Displays the FTP prompt. You can enter FTP commands to customize your environment and FTP command processing. o Establishes a connection to the specified remote host. For help with individual FTP commands, type the following: $ FTP FTP> HELP DCL Format FTP [ host [ port ] ] [ /USERNAME=remote_user_name ] [ /PASSWORD=password ] [ /INPUT=input_filespec ] UNIX Format ftp [ host [ port ] ] 2 Parameters host Optional. Remote host to which you want to connect. port Optional. Specifies the port to use. 2 Qualifiers /INPUT /INPUT=input-filespec Optional. If you do not specify the /INPUT qualifier, FTP takes input from SYS$INPUT. If you specifiy this qualifier, you must also supply an input file specification. FTP continues to prompt until it has a valid input file specification. Runs a DCL command file with FTP commands. /PASSWORD /PASSWORD=password Optional. Default: your password on the local system. Password for the remote user account to which you want to connect. /USERNAME /USERNAME=remote_user_name Optional. Default: your user name on the local system. Name of the remote user account to which you want to connect. 2 Examples 1.$ FTP FTP> Starts an FTP user session without establishing a connection. 2.$ FTP WKSITE 220 wksite.texts.wrights.com FTP Server (UNIX 13:34:28 EDT) ready Connected to wren.nest.willow.com. Name (wksite:parks) 331 Password required for parks. Password: 230 User parks logged in. FTP> User PARKS starts an FTP session and connects to UNIX host wksite. 3.$ FTP NEWY /USERNAME=BENSON /PASSWORD=WMSWMS 220 NEWY.LINK1.MOA.COM FTP Server (Version 5.0) ready Connected to NEWY.LINK1.MOA.COM. 331 Username BENSON requires a password. 230 User logged in. FTP> Starts an FTP session and connects to remote OpenVMS host NEWY in user account BENSON.