1 FONT Converts an ASCII bitmap distribution format (BDF) into binary portable compiled format (PCF) on Alpha systems. The DECwindows server uses a PCF or SNF file to display a font. In addition to converting the BDF file to binary form, the font compiler provides statistical information about the font and the compilation process. For more information about using the font compiler, see the OpenVMS DECwindows programming documentation or online help. Format FONT filespec 2 Parameter filespec Specifies the BDF file to be converted. A file name is required. The default value of the optional file type is DECW$BDF. 2 Qualifiers /MINBOX /MINBOX /NOMINBOX On VAX only, specifies that the compiler produce the minimum bounding box for each character in the font and adjust values for the left bearing, right bearing, ascent, and descent of each character accordingly. Character width is not affected. Specifying the /MINBOX qualifier is equivalent to converting a fixed font to a monospaced font. Using the /MINBBOX qualifier has two advantages. Because the font compiler produces minimum instead of fixed bounding boxes, the resulting SNF file is significantly smaller than the comparable fixed font SNF file. Consequently, both disk requirements for storing the font and server memory requirements when a client loads the font are reduced. Also, because the resulting font comprises minimum inkable characters, server performance when writing text is increased as much as 20 percent. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT[=filename] /NOOUTPUT Specifies the file name and type of the resulting PCF (Alpha) or SNF (VAX) file. The default output file name is the file name of the BDF file being converted. The default output PCF file type is .PCF. The default output SNF file type is .DECW$FONT. Compiler output consists of a header file that contains font information, character metrics, amd the image of each character in the font. /REPORT /REPORT /NOREPORT On VAX only, directs the compiler to report information about the font and the conversion process, including BDF information, font properties, compiler generation information, and metrics. The /REPORT qualifier also causes the compiler to illustrate each glyph in the font.