1 RENAME_NODE ! This function changes the name of a registered node in a directory service. The attribute values stored under the name remain unchanged. Nodes can be renamed only within a directory service. They cannot be renamed from one type of directory service to another. This function only changes the name in the directory service, and does not directly affect the name on the node itself. To change the name on the node, use the node's network configuration utility. ! 2 Directory_Service ! This field specifies the directory service that contains the node to be renamed. The service must be one of: LOCAL DECDNS PHASEIV The service type can be abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation is unique. ! 2 Old_Node_Name ! This field specifies the name of the node to be renamed. The node name must be the fully specified name for the node in the directory service. The syntax of a fully specified name depends on the directory service being used. Examples of fully specified names might be: For Local: MailHub For DECdns: MyCo:.Sales.MailHub For Phase IV: MLHUB Wildcards are not allowed. ! 2 New_Node_Name ! This field specifies the new name for the node. The new node name must be a fully specified name in the directory service. The syntax of a fully specified name depends on the directory service being used. Examples of fully specified names might be: For Local: MailHub For DECdns: MyCo:.Sales.MailHub For Phase IV: MLHUB Wildcards are not allowed. ! 2 New_Synonym ! This field specified the new Phase IV synonym for the node. Phase IV synonyms can be used in place of fully specified node names, particularly with applications that do not support full node names. The synonym must be from 1 to 6 letters (A to Z) or digits (0 to 9), with at least one letter. This is initially filled in with the current synonym value, but can be changed to a new synonym, or left blank to indicate no synonym. !