1 IMPORT_NODE_INFORMATION ! This function uses exported node registration information, contained in a text file created by the export function or by a text editor, to help maintain a directory service. ! 2 Directory_Service ! This field specifies the directory service to import the node registration into. The service must be one of: LOCAL DECDNS PHASEIV The service type can be abbreviated, as long as the abbreviation is unique. ! 2 File_Name ! This field specifies the name of the text file that contains the exported node information. See the MAIN_MENU EXPORT_FILE topic for more information on the contents of this file. ! 2 Error_File_Name ! This field specifies the name of a file to receive any error reports. An error file is useful since the import function is performing bulk operations that can result in errors scrolling off the screen. Errors are written into the file as comments, followed by the line from the input file that caused the error. This allows you to use the error file as an IMPORT input file, after correcting the errors. Using this method, only those operations that resulted in an error will be re-tried. If not specified, all errors are sent to the screen. ! 2 Template ! This field specifies how the "name" field in the export file node registration information is used. The node registration information contained in the export file includes each node's terminating name. This is generally the part of the name that is the same regardless of the directory service. For example, "MailHub" is the terminating name for the following: Local: MailHub DECdns: MyCo:.Sales.MailHub To convert a terminating name to a fully specified name for the target directory service, it is combined with the name template. The name template is a string that indicates what the fully specified name is to look like, with an asterisk (*) where the terminating name goes. For example: Local: * DECdns: MyCo:.Sales.* If left blank, the name template defined in the export file for the target directory service is used. If the export file does not contain a valid name template for the target directory service, errors result. See the MAIN_MENU EXPORT_FILE topic for descriptions of the name template control line and the node registration information lines. ! 2 Function ! This field allows you to specify the type of import function to perform. The following function types are provided. Update - Register the nodes into the directory service if they do not already exist, or modify them if they do exist. This provides a way to make changes in one directory service based on information in another directory service. Register - Register the nodes into the specified directory service. Modify - Make bulk changes to the nodes in the directory service. This provides a way to make a large number of synonym or tower changes at one time. For example, change the IDP values for all nodes. Replace - Deregister any nodes that use the same synonyms or towers as the imported nodes, and then register the imported nodes into the directory service. this provides a way to make a large number of name changes at one time. Deregister - Deregister the nodes from the directory service. Verify - Check whether or not the node information in the directory service matches the information in the export file. !