1 RESET ! Reset the default values for optional parameters to their original values. RESET DEFAULT [ ALL ] [ DIRECTORY_SERVICE ] [ DISPLAY_MODE ] [ NSAP_FORMAT ] [ PHASEIV_PREFIX ] [ REVERSE_DIRECTORY ] [ SYNONYM_DIRECTORY ] ! 2 DEFAULT ! This keywork is required. It indicates that default parameter values are being modified. See the RESET topic for a general description of the RESET DEFAULT command. ! 2 ALL ! This resets the default values for all optional parameters to their original values. RESET DEFAULT ALL ! 2 DIRECTORY_SERVICE ! This resets the default directory service to its original value. RESET DEFAULT DIRECTORY_SERVICE ! 2 DISPLAY_MODE ! This resets the default display mode to its original value. RESET DEFAULT DISPLAY_MODE ! 2 NSAP_FORMAT ! This resets the default NSAP display style to its original value. RESET DEFAULT NSAP_FORMAT ! 2 PHASEIV_PREFIX ! This resets the default Phase IV prefix value to its original value. This specifies the default AFI, IDI, and preDSP to use when constructing an NSAP from a Phase IV address. RESET DEFAULT PHASEIV_PREFIX See the PHASE_IV_PREFIXES topic for details about Phase IV prefix values. ! 2 REVERSE_DIRECTORY ! This resets the default base directory or name entry to use for the reverse address mapping links to the node name (also called the back translation links) to its original value, for all directory services. RESET DEFAULT REVERSE_DIRECTORY For more information, please refer to the NAMES_AND_DIRECTORIES topic. ! 2 SYNONYM_DIRECTORY ! This resets the default base directory or name entry to use for synonym mapping links to its original value, for all directory services. RESET DEFAULT SYNONYM_DIRECTORY For more information, please refer to the NAMES_AND_DIRECTORIES topic. ! !