1 MAP Transforms an address into an offset in a particular image. Format MAP address 2 Parameter address Address to be identified. 2 Description The MAP command identifies the image name and offset corresponding to an address. With this information, you can examine the image map to locate the source module and program section offset corresponding to an address. If the address is in system space, MAP searches for the specified address in executive images first. It then checks activated images in process space to search those images installed using the /RESIDENT qualifier of the Install utility. Finally, it checks all image-resident sections in system space. If the address is in process space, MAP searches the activated images for the process. On Integrity servers, the MAP command can also provide additional data for addresses in system space. If the address is determined to be in a code section of an executive loaded image or a resident shareable image, and if the image file is accessible and was linked using /TRACEBACK, the traceback data is used to obtain and display the module name and routine name information.