1 FLT_Extension The Alignment Fault Utility (FLT) finds alignment faults and records them in a ring buffer, which can be sized when starting alignment fault tracing. The summary screen displays the results sorted by the program counter (PC) that has incurred the most alignment faults. The detailed trace output also shows the process identification (PID) of the process that caused the alignment fault, with the virtual address that triggered the fault. Output can be directed to a file using the SDA SET OUTPUT command. When entered by itself with no command keyword, the FLT command lists the FLT command options. SDA> FLT You can get full help on FLT by entering HELP FLT at the SDA> prompt. FLT can be started and stopped as required without the need for a system reboot. 2 LOAD Loads the FLT$DEBUG execlet. Do this before starting alignment fault tracing. Format FLT LOAD 2 SHOW 3 TRACE Displays detail about the trace. Format FLT SHOW TRACE [/SUMMARY] 4 Qualifier /SUMMARY Displays the results sorted by the program counter (PC) that has incurred the most alignment faults. 2 START 3 TRACE Starts alignment fault tracing. By default, all PCs are traced. Format START TRACE [/BUFFER=pages] [/BEGIN=pc_range_low] [/CALLER] [/END=pc_range_high] [/INDEX=pid] [MODE=(mode,...)] 4 Qualifiers /BUFFER /BUFFER=pages The number of pages to size the trace buffer. The default is 128 pages or 1MB. /BEGIN /BEGIN=pc_range_low Start of range of PCs to trace. /CALLER For each alignment fault, in addition to recording the PC that incurred the fault, FLT also records the PCs of the caller, the callers caller, and so on, for up to 10 call frames. /END /END=pc_range_high End of range of PCs to trace. /INDEX /INDEX=pid Only trace alignment faults for the specified process. You can specify the process index itself, or the process identification or extended process identification, from which the process index is extracted. /MODE /MODE=(mode,...) Only trace alignment faults that occur in the specified modes. Allowed modes are KERNEL, EXEC, SUPER and USER. If you specify only one mode, you can omit the parentheses. 2 STOP 3 TRACE Stops tracing. Format FLT STOP TRACE 2 UNLOAD Unloads the FLT$DEBUG execlet. Format FLT UNLOAD