1 EXAMINE Displays either the contents of a location or of a range of locations in physical memory, or the contents of a register. Use location parameters to display specific locations or use qualifiers to display the entire process and system regions of memory. Format EXAMINE [location [/PHYSICAL] | /ALL | /P0 | /P1 | /SYSTEM] [/CONDITION_VALUE | /FPSR | /IFS | /ISR | /PFS | /PS | /PSL | /PSR | /PTE | /TIME | /[NO]FD | /[NO]PD] [/NOSUPPRESS] [/INSTRUCTION] 2 Parameter location Location in memory to be examined. A location can be represented by any valid SDA expression. To examine a range of locations, use the following syntax: m:n Range of locations to be examined, from m to n m;n Range of locations to be examined, starting at m and continuing for n bytes The default location that SDA uses is initially 0 in the program region (P0) of the process that was executing at the time the system failed (if you are examining a crash dump) or your process (if you are examining the running system). Subsequent uses of the EXAMINE command with no parameter specified increase the last address examined by eight. Use of the /INSTRUCTION qualifier increases the default address by four (for Alpha) or 16 (for Integrity server). To examine memory locations of other processes, you must use the SET PROCESS command. 2 Qualifiers /ALL Examines all the locations in the program, and control regions and system space, displaying the contents of memory in hexadecimal longwords and ASCII characters. Do not specify parameters when you use this qualifier. /CONDITION_VALUE Examines the specified longword, displaying the message that the $GETMSG system service obtains for the value in the longword. /FD /FD /NOFD See the description of /PD. /FPSR (Integrity servers only) Examines the specified expression in the format of a floating-point status register. /IFS (Integrity servers only) Examines the specified expression in the format of an interruption function state. /INSTRUCTION Translates the specified range of memory locations into assembly instruction format. Each symbol in the EXAMINE expression that is defined as a procedure descriptor is replaced with the code entry point address of that procedure, unless you also specify the /NOPD qualifier. For Integrity servers only, SDA always displays entire bundles of instructions, not individual slots. /ISR (Integrity servers only) Examines the specified expression in the format of an interruption status register. /NOSUPPRESS Inhibits the suppression of zeros when displaying memory with one of the following qualifiers: /ALL, /P0, /P1, /SYSTEM, or when a range is specified. /P0 Displays the entire program region for the default process. Do not specify parameters when you use this qualifier. /P1 Displays the entire control region for the default process. Do not specify parameters when you use this qualifier. /PD /PD /NOPD Functionally equivalent to /FD and /NOFD. Causes the EXAMINE command to treat the location specified in the EXAMINE command as a function descriptor (FD) or procedure descriptor (PD), depending on the architecture of the system or dump being analyzed. /PD can also be used to qualify symbols. You can use the /PD and /NOPD qualifiers with the /INSTRUCTION qualifier to override treating symbols as function or procedure descriptors. Placing the qualifier right after a symbol overrides how the symbol is treated. /PD forces it to be a procedure descriptor, and /NOPD forces it to not be a procedure descriptor. If you place the /PD qualifier right after the /INSTRUCTION qualifier, SDA treats the calculated value as a function or procedure descriptor. /NOPD has the opposite effect. In the following examples, TEST_ROUTINE is a PD symbol. Its value is 500 and the code address in this procedure descriptor is 1000. The first example displays instructions starting at 520. EXAMINE/INSTRUCTION TEST_ROUTINE/NOPD+20 The next example fetches code address from TEST_ROUTINE PD, adds 20 and displays instructions at that address. In other words, it displays code starting at location 1020. EXAMINE/INSTRUCTION TEST_ROUTINE+20 The final example treats the address TEST_ROUTINE+20 as a procedure descriptor, so it fetches the code address out of a procedure descriptor at address 520. It then uses that address to display instructions. EXAMINE/INSTRUCTION/PD TEST_ROUTINE/NOPD+20 /PFS (Integrity servers only) Examines the specified expression in the format of a previous function state. /PHYSICAL Examines physical addresses. You cannot use the /PHYSICAL qualifier in combination with the /P0, /P1, or /SYSTEM qualifiers. /PS /PS /PSL Examines the specified quadword, displaying its contents in the format of a processor status. This qualifier must precede any parameters used in the command line. /PSR (Integrity servers only) Examines the specified expression in the format of a processor status register. /PTE Interprets and displays the specified quadword as a page table entry (PTE). The display separates individual fields of the PTE and provides an overall description of the PTE's type. /SYSTEM Displays portions of the writable system region. Do not specify parameters when you use this qualifier. /TIME Examines the specified quadword, displaying its contents in the format of a system-date-and-time quadword.