1 REPAIR Changes the state of transactions. CAUTION The REPAIR command can corrupt data. Use it only if none of the resource managers participating in the transaction provides a means of changing transaction states. Requires: o The CMKRNL privilege. o READ and WRITE access to the transaction log and the directory it is in. Format REPAIR filespec 2 Parameter filespec The file specification of the transaction log containing the transactions whose states you want to change. The REPAIR command requires the following: o The logical SYS$JOURNAL must be defined in executive mode in the system logical name table. o The transaction log must be in a directory pointed to by the logical SYS$JOURNAL. o The file type of the transaction log must be .LM$JOURNAL. The REPAIR command uses the following defaults: o If you omit the disk and directory, the REPAIR command looks for the transaction log in the directories pointed to by the logical SYS$JOURNAL. o If you omit the file type, the REPAIR command uses .LM$JOURNAL. 2 /LOGID /LOGID=logid Selects records only for transactions that have participants whose logid matches the specified value. The logid is in the Log ID field, to the right of the Type field in the output from the DUMP command. The value you specify must be exactly as it appears in the display, including hyphens. Note that you can use this qualifier only with the /RM qualifier. 2 /RM /RM=name Selects records only for transactions that have participants whose names begin with the specified value. The participant name is shown in the Name field in the output from DUMP, and is output in both ASCII and hexadecimal. If the participant name includes undisplayable characters, you can select records for that participant by using the hexadecimal form of its name. When specifying the hexadecimal form of the name, you must convert it by reversing the pairs in the hexadecimal number. For example, if the participant name is: Name (11): "SYSTEM$RED" (4445 52244D45 54535953) the value you specify for the /RM qualifier is: /RM=%X53595354454D24524544 2 /STATE /STATE=COMMITTED /STATE=PREPARED Selects records only for transactions in either the Committed or Prepared states. 2 /TID /TID=transaction_id Selects records only for the specified transaction. The transaction_id is shown in the Transaction ID field in the output from the DUMP command. The value you specify must be exactly as it appears in the display, including hyphens. 2 Description Use the REPAIR command to change the state of transactions. CAUTION The REPAIR command can corrupt data. Use it only if none of the resource managers participating in the transaction provides a means of changing transaction states. Use this command only if none of the resource managers participating in the transaction provides a means of changing the transaction state. For example, if Rdb is a participant in the transaction, do not use REPAIR; use the Rdb Management (RMU) utility commands instead. Similarly, if DBMS is a participant, use the Database Operator (DBO) utility commands. Change the transaction state only when you already know the outcome of the transaction and need to manually update the transaction log immediately. You might want to do this because, for example, you have lost the network link to a remote node. When you use the REPAIR command you use qualifiers to specify which transactions you want to change. By default, the REPAIR command selects all transactions. Once you have selected the transactions to change, you enter the REPAIR subcommand mode. Within this mode, the prompt changes to REPAIR> and you have a set of additional subcommands described in Subcommands of the REPAIR Command. You use these commands either to manually change the state of the transaction, or to select the next transaction that matches your selection criteria. The subcommands are as follows: Subcommand Action ABORT Specifies that a Prepared transaction is to be aborted by removing its record from the transaction log. This writes a record of type Forgotten for the transaction. Note that DECdtm services use the presumed abort logging protocol. COMMIT Specifies that a Prepared transaction is to be committed. This writes a record of type Committed for the transaction. EXIT Returns to the LMCP> prompt. FORGET Specifies that a Committed transaction can be removed from the transaction log. This writes a record of type Forgotten for the transaction. NEXT Displays the next transaction that matches your selection criteria. LMCP displays each of the selected transactions in turn, so that you can change them. For each selected transaction, you can either use the ABORT, COMMIT, and FORGET subcommands to change the state of the transaction, or use the NEXT subcommand to select the next transaction. To exit from the REPAIR subcommand mode, enter the EXIT subcommand or press Ctrl/Z. 2 Example LMCP> REPAIR/STATE=PREPARED/RM="RMS$" DISK$JOURNALS:[LOGFILES]SYSTEM$ORANGE In this example transactions to be modified are selected from the transaction log for node ORANGE. The transactions selected are those that match both of the following criteria: o RMS Journaling for OpenVMS is participating in the transaction. o The transaction is in the Prepared state.