1 DELETE The DELETE command is used to delete key table, policy, or principal data. 2 KEYTAB service_name The DELETE KEYTAB command is used to delete a key table entry. 3 Qualifiers 3 /QUIET /QUIET /[NO]QUIET (default) Specifies whether the delete should echo. 3 /FILE /FILE=[(keytab file)] Specifies the keytab file from entries are deleted. 3 /KEY_VERSION /KEY_VERSION=number Specifies the keytab entry for the specified service key version number be deleted. This qualifier is mutually exclusive with /OLD or /ALL. This value must be in the range of 0 through 255. 3 /OLD /OLD Specifies that "old" keytab entries for the specified service be deleted. This qualifier is mutually exclusive with /KEY_VERSION or /ALL. 3 /ALL /ALL Specifies that "all" keytab entries for the specified service be deleted. This qualifier is mutually exclusive with /KEY_VERSION or /OLD. 2 POLICY policy_name The DELETE POLICY command is used to delete a policy entry. 3 Qualifiers 3 /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=[(output file)] (default is SYS$OUTPUT) Specifies the output file to use. 3 /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /[NO]CONFIRM (default) Specifies whether the delete should be confirmed. 2 PRINCIPAL principal_name The DELETE PRINCIPAL command is used to delete a principal entry. 3 Qualifiers 3 /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /[NO]CONFIRM (default) Specifies whether the delete should be confirmed.