/sys$common/syshlp/HELPLIB.HLB  —  System Services, $DELPRC  Arguments

    OpenVMS usage:process_id
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       modify
    mechanism:    by reference
    Process identification (PID) of the process to be deleted. The
    pidadr argument is the address of a longword that contains the
    PID. The pidadr argument can refer to a process running on the
    local node or a process running on another node in the OpenVMS
    Cluster system.

    You must specify the pidadr argument to delete processes in other
    UIC groups.


    OpenVMS usage:process_name
    type:         character-coded text string
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by descriptor-fixed-length string descriptor
    Process name of the process to be deleted. The prcnam is the
    address of a character string descriptor pointing to the
    process name string. A process running on the local node can
    be identified with a 1- to 15-character string. To identify
    a process on a particular node on a cluster, specify the full
    process name, which includes the node name as well as the process
    name. The full process name can contain up to 23 characters.

    You use the prcnam argument to delete only processes in the
    same UIC group as the calling process, because process names
    are unique to UIC groups, and the operating system uses the UIC
    group number of the calling process to interpret the process name
    specified by the prcnam argument.

    You must use the pidadr argument to delete processes in other


    OpenVMS usage:mask
    type:         longword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value
    The flags argument can be used to control whether exit handlers
    are called by $DELPRC. If the flags argument is not specified
    or is specified with a zero, the system parameter DELPRC_EXIT
    controls what exit handlers, if any, are called by $DELPRC.

    The $DELPRCSYMDEF macro defines a symbolic name for EXIT and
    NOEXIT. The EXIT flag should be or'd with the access mode defined
    by the $PSLDEF macro for the initial exit handler.

    The following table describes each flag:

    Flag           Description

    DELPRC$M_      When set, exit handlers as specified by DELPRC$M_
    EXIT           MODE are called. This flag is ignored for a hard
                   suspended process.
    DELPRC$M_      2 bit field: values psl$c_kernel, psl$c_exec,
    MODE           psl$c_super, psl$c_user (from the $PSLDEF macro)
    DELPRC$M_      Set to disable any exit handler execution


       Deleting the current process:

       When $DELPRC is used to delete the current process,
       execution cannot continue in the mode from which $DELPRC
       was called. The first exit handlers that are called will be
       in the next more privileged mode relative to the mode from
       which $DELPRC was called (subject to options defined). For

       o  $DELPRC called from user mode can call supervisor mode
          exit handlers.

       o  $DELPRC called from exec mode can only execute kernel
          mode exit handlers.

       o  $DELPRC called from kernel mode cannot call exit
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