1 MOUNT Makes a foreign volume and the files or data it contains available for processing by EXCHANGE. The EXCHANGE command MOUNT enters the device into internal tables maintained by EXCHANGE. Format MOUNT device-name MOUNT/VIRTUAL device-name file-name 2 Parameters device-name Specifies the physical device name or logical name of the device on which the volume is to be mounted. For MOUNT/VIRTUAL, the device-name parameter supplies a name for the virtual device. file-name For MOUNT/VIRTUAL only, the file-name parameter gives the name of the file containing the image of the foreign volume. 2 Qualifiers /DATA_CHECK /DATA_CHECK[=(READ,WRITE)] /NODATA_CHECK Determines whether EXCHANGE performs a second operation after every I/O operation to verify that the data was correctly transferred. If you specify /DATA_CHECK=WRITE, after every write operation EXCHANGE rereads the data that was just written and compares it with the original data. If you specify /DATA_ CHECK=READ, EXCHANGE reads each block of data twice and verifies that both read operations received identical data. It is usually more efficient to use the /DATA_CHECK option on the DCL command MOUNT than to use the option on the EXCHANGE command MOUNT. If you mount a device with the DCL command MOUNT/FOREIGN /DATA_CHECK, OpenVMS can use features in the device hardware and device driver to perform the redundant I/O operations. The RX01 and RX02 diskette drives do not contain the necessary features for the operating system to perform data checking. If you use the DCL command MOUNT/DATA_CHECK with a diskette, the system is unable to perform data checking (no warning message is displayed). EXCHANGE is able to recognize, however, that a diskette was mounted with the data checking option; in this case, EXCHANGE performs the software data checking internally, even if you have not specified an explicit MOUNT/DATA_CHECK command. If you specify the /DATA_CHECK qualifier without an option, the default is /DATA_CHECK=WRITE. /FOREIGN Indicates that the volume is not in the standard format used by the OpenVMS operating system; that is, a magnetic tape volume is not in the standard ANSI format, or a disk volume is not in Files-11 format. The EXCHANGE command MOUNT mounts only foreign volumes. The /FOREIGN qualifier is the default. You must use the DCL command MOUNT to mount OpenVMS volumes. The default protection applied to foreign volumes is RWLP (Read, Write, Logical I/O, Physical I/O) for the system and owner. If you mount a volume currently in Files-11 format with the /FOREIGN qualifier, you must have the user privilege to override volume protection (VOLPRO), or your UIC must match the UIC on the volume. /MESSAGE /MESSAGE /NOMESSAGE Controls whether EXCHANGE displays a message indicating that the volume was mounted. The default is determined by the /MESSAGE qualifier specified with the EXCHANGE command when EXCHANGE was invoked. /VIRTUAL Mounts a Files-11 file as a virtual device. When you specify /VIRTUAL, the MOUNT command requires two parameters. The first parameter is a device name assigned as the name of the virtual device. The second parameter is the name of the Files-11 file that is the image of a foreign volume. /VOLUME_FORMAT /VOLUME_FORMAT=option Defines the physical format of the volume to be processed. /WRITE /WRITE /NOWRITE Controls whether the volume can be written. You can specify /NOWRITE to protect files by providing read-only access. Specifying /NOWRITE is equivalent to write-locking the device. The default is /WRITE. If /WRITE is specified (either explicitly or by default) and the volume itself is write-locked, EXCHANGE displays a message to inform you that the volume is write-locked. 2 Description The EXCHANGE command MOUNT enters the description of the foreign volume in internal tables maintained by EXCHANGE. This command is different from the DCL command MOUNT, which enters the device in tables maintained by the OpenVMS operating system. A virtual volume must be explicitly mounted with the MOUNT /VIRTUAL command. If an EXCHANGE command is given on an unmounted foreign volume, EXCHANGE attempts to execute an implied MOUNT/FOREIGN/WRITE- /NODATACHECK on the device. This feature enables EXCHANGE to operate in the single-command DCL mode. If a MOUNT/FOREIGN (either implied or explicit) command is given for a foreign device that has not been mounted on the OpenVMS system, EXCHANGE issues the equivalent of the DCL command MOUNT /FOREIGN and attempts to make the volume known to the operating system. Any volume mounted in this way remains mounted after EXCHANGE exits. When EXCHANGE issues the MOUNT/FOREIGN command, the system checks the following: o That the device has not been allocated to another user o That a volume is physically loaded on the specified device o For magnetic tapes, the volume accessibility field of the VOL1 label 2 Examples 1.EXCHANGE> MOUNT MT: %EXCHANGE-I-MOUNTED, MATH06 mounted on _MTA0: The command in this example requests that the magnetic tape loaded on the device MTA0 be mounted as a foreign volume. The tape label is displayed, since the tape has been previously initialized as an ANSI-labeled tape with the label MATH06. This tape cannot be accessed as a Files-11 tape; it should be reinitialized as a DOS-11 tape during the current EXCHANGE session. 2.EXCHANGE> MOUNT DMA1: %EXCHANGE-I-WRITELOCK, volume is write-locked %EXCHANGE-S-MOUNTED, volume DMA1: mounted The command in this example mounts the foreign volume that is loaded in the RK07 device DMA1, making the volume available for subsequent EXCHANGE commands. EXCHANGE recognizes that the volume itself is write-locked, and displays a message.