1 SHOW Format: SHOW parameter The SHOW (abbreviated SH) command displays selected information on the current state of the editor. Parameter is one of the additional topics listed below. 2 AUTOREPEAT Format: SHOW AUTOREPEAT The SHOW AUTOREPEAT command displays whether EDT is allowed to manipulate the Autorepeat feature of VT100-type terminals or not. See SET AUTOREPEAT for more information. 2 BUFFER Format: SHOW BUFFER The SHOW BUFFER (abbreviated SH BU) command lists the buffers being used during the edit session, including the number of lines of text in each buffer. The current buffer is marked by an equal sign (=) before the name. If an asterisk follows the number of lines, it indicates that an input file is connected to the buffer and that there are more lines to be read from the file. Thus, the line count is not accurate. 2 CASE Format: SHOW CASE The SHOW CASE (abbreviated SH CA) command shows the current case setting (upper, lower, or none). 2 COMMAND Format: SHOW COMMAND The SHOW COMMAND (abbreviated SH COMMAND) command shows the name of the last specified startup command file. For more information see HELP SET COMMAND. 2 CURSOR Format: SHOW CURSOR The SHOW CURSOR (abbreviated SH CU) command shows the current setting of the cursor region. EDT will respond with: t:b where t and b are integer numbers indicating the top and bottom of the cursor region. See HELP SET CURSOR for an explanation of the cursor region. 2 ENTITY Format: SHOW ENTITY entity-type where entity-type is one of the following: WORD (abbreviated W) SENTENCE (abbreviated S) PAGE (abbreviated PAG) PARAGRAPH (abbreviated PAR) The SHOW ENTITY (abbreviated SH EN) command displays the current delimiter string for the specified entity. 2 FILES Format: SHOW FILES The SHOW FILES (abbreviated SH FI) command displays the name of the input and output files which were specified in the EDT command line. If no output file was specified, then the input file name is also used as the output file name. If /NOOUTPUT or /READ_ONLY was specified in the command line, then this will be indicated in place of the output file name. 2 FNF Format: SHOW FNF The SHOW FNF command displays whether the file not found message is enabled or disabled. 2 HELP Format: SHOW HELP The SHOW HELP (abbreviated SH H) command shows the currently active default help file specification and help file name. Use the SET HELP command to redefine the help file name. 2 KEY The SHOW KEY (abbreviated SH K) command displays the current definition of a keypad, function or control key. Format: SHOW KEY key-name Where key-name is one of the following: (alternatives separated by "|") [GOLD] number |[GOLD] CONTROL char |[GOLD] CONTROL "char" [GOLD] CONTROL 'char' |GOLD character |GOLD "character" GOLD 'character' |[GOLD] DELETE |[GOLD] FUNCTION number Number refers to keypad and function keys and CONTROL char names specific control keys Char is limited to @, A to Z, [, \, ], ^ and _, but the case of letters is ignored. DELETE refers to the delete character, which is not a control character. Character refers to any keyboard key except 0-9, though - is not useful. Upper and lower case letters are considered equivalent. Characters !, %, ', and " must be enclosed in quotation marks. For the meaning of the string printed by the SHOW KEY command, see HELP DEFINE KEY. 2 KEYPAD Format: SHOW KEYPAD The SHOW KEYPAD (abbreviated SH KEYP) command shows the current setting for the option of using keypad editing when you are in change mode. KEYPAD is the default for VT100 and VT52 terminals, which means that the alternate keypad is used to enter change mode commands. The option can be changed by using the SET [NO]KEYPAD command. 2 LINES Format: SHOW LINES The SHOW LINES (abbreviated SH L) command shows the current number of screen lines displayed in change mode. Use the SET LINES command to modify this setting. 2 MODE Format: SHOW MODE The SHOW MODE (abbreviated SH M) command shows the current setting of the default editing mode. It indicates the editing mode that is entered after all startup processing. By default, EDT enters line mode when startup processing is complete. Use SET MODE CHANGE in your startup command file to cause EDT to enter change mode at the end of startup processing. 2 NUMBERS Format: SHOW NUMBERS The SHOW NUMBERS (abbreviated SH NU) command shows the current setting for the option of displaying line numbers on the terminal. Numbers are displayed by default. Use SET NONUMBERS to suppress the line numbers. 2 PARAGRAPH Format: SHOW PARAGRAPH The SHOW PARAGRAPH (abbreviated SH PARA) command shows the current setting for delimiting paragraphs. By default a new paragraph begins after two successive linefeeds. Use SET PARAGRAPH WPS to indicate that a new paragraph begins at the first non-linefeed character after two successive linefeeds. 2 PROMPT Format: SHOW PROMPT prompt-type Where prompt-type is one of: LINE, KEYPAD, NOKEYPAD, HCCHANGE, INSERT, INSERTN, or QUERY. The SHOW PROMPT command shows the current string to be used when prompting in line mode, in keypad change mode, in nokeypad change mode, in hardcopy change mode, in line mode when inserting, in line mode when inserting with NONUMBERS, and in response to /QUERY, respectively. 2 QUIET Format: SHOW QUIET The SHOW QUIET (abbreviated SH Q) command shows the current setting of the option that controls whether or not the bell sounds when you make an error in change mode. You can change this option with the SET [NO]QUIET command. 2 REPEAT Format: SHOW REPEAT The SHOW REPEAT (abbreviated SH REP) command shows whether or not counts are allowed. The default is to allow counts. To disable counts use SET NOREPEAT. 2 SCREEN Format: SHOW SCREEN The SHOW SCREEN (abbreviated SH SC) command shows the current setting for the maximum length of a line EDT displays. 2 SEARCH Format: SHOW SEARCH The SHOW SEARCH (abbreviated SH SE) command shows the current search parameters. See HELP SET SEARCH for a description of search options. 2 SUMMARY Format: SHOW SUMMARY The SHOW SUMMARY command shows whether the file summary on WRITE and EXIT is enabled or disabled. 2 TAB Format: SHOW TAB The SHOW TAB (abbreviated SH TA) command shows the current settings for the structured tab feature. If structured tabs are enabled, the tab size and indentation level are displayed. For additional information on the structured tab feature, see HELP SET TAB and HELP TAB. 2 TERMINAL Format: SHOW TERMINAL The SHOW TERMINAL (abbreviated SH TE) command shows your terminal type: VT100, VT52 or Hardcopy. It also shows whether or not your terminal has scrolling regions, eight-bit graphics and the advanced screen editing features. See SET TERMINAL for more information. 2 TEXT Format: SHOW TEXT text-type where text-type is one of the following: END PAGE The SHOW TEXT command shows the current string to be used for displaying formfeeds or the end of buffer. 2 TRUNCATE Format: SHOW TRUNCATE The SHOW TRUNCATE (abbreviated SH TR) command shows the current setting of the option for displaying long lines in change mode. The default is TRUNCATE, which means that lines longer than the screen width are truncated on the display (the actual text is not altered). If you turn off this option by entering SET NOTRUNCATE, long lines are wrapped to as many screen lines as are necessary to display the entire screen. 2 VERIFY Format: SHOW VERIFY The SHOW VERIFY (abbreviated SH VERI) command displays the current setting of the option to list commands that are executed from the startup command file or a macro. By default, verify is off, which means that the lines are not typed. If you turn it on, each such command is typed as it is executed. 2 VERSION Format: SHOW VERSION The SHOW VERSION (abbreviated SH VE) command displays the version number and copyright statement of EDT. You should write the full text of the version number on any EDT SPR. The copyright statement appears as either COPYRIGHT (C) DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 1980, 1983 or COPYRIGHT © DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 1980, 1983 the latter form is used on terminals that have the international copyright symbol. 2 WORD Format: SHOW WORD The SHOW WORD (abbreviated SH WO) command shows the current setting for the handling of word delimiters. The default is to consider all delimiters with the exception of a space a word. To disable this use SET WORD NODELIMITER. 2 WRAP Format: SHOW WRAP The SHOW WRAP (abbreviated SH W) command shows the current setting of the right margin for word wrapping. Word wrapping is a feature of EDT that automatically inserts carriage returns when the text you are typing exceeds the right margin. The same margin is used for the nokeypad mode FILL command. Word wrapping is in effect in change mode only and only, if you have used the SET WRAP command.