/sys$common/syshlp/DBG$HELP.HLB  —  DEBUG  MOVE
    Moves a screen display vertically or horizontally across the


       This command is not available in the HP DECwindows Motif for
       OpenVMS user interface to the debugger.


      MOVE  [display-name[, . . . ]]

1  –  Parameters


    Specifies a display to be moved. You can specify any of the
    following entities:

    o  A predefined display:

          FREG (Alpha and Integrity servers only)

    o  A display previously created with the DISPLAY command

    o  A display built-in symbol:


    If you do not specify a display, the current scrolling display,
    as established by the SELECT command, is chosen.

2  –  Qualifiers

2.1    /DOWN


    Moves the display down by n lines (if n is positive) or up by
    n lines (if n is negative). If you omit n, the display is moved
    down by 1 line.

2.2    /LEFT


    Moves the display to the left by n lines (if n is positive) or
    right by n lines (if n is negative). If you omit n, the display
    is moved to the left by 1 line.

2.3    /RIGHT


    Moves the display to the right by n lines (if n is positive) or
    left by n lines (if n is negative). If you omit n, the display is
    moved to the right by 1 line.

2.4    /UP


    Moves the display up by n lines (if n is positive) or down by n
    lines (if n is negative). If you omit n, the display is moved up
    by 1 line.

3  –  Description

    You must specify at least one qualifier.

    For each display specified, the MOVE command simply creates a
    window of the same dimensions elsewhere on the screen and maps
    the display to it, while maintaining the relative position of the
    text within the window.

    The MOVE command does not change the order of a display on the
    display pasteboard. Depending on the relative order of displays,
    the MOVE command can cause the display to hide or uncover another
    display or be hidden by another display, partially or totally.

    A display can be moved only up to the edge of the screen.

    For a list of the keypad-key definitions associated with the MOVE
    command, type Help Keypad_Definitions_CI. Also, use the SHOW KEY
    command to determine the current key definitions.

    Related commands:


4  –  Examples


      This command moves the current scrolling display to the left by
      1 column.


      This command moves display NEW_OUT up by 3 lines and to the
      right by 5 columns.
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