1 Date_Time When a command requires a qualifier that specifies a date/time value, the value is either an absolute time, delta time, or a combination of the two. 2 Absolute Absolute time includes a specific date or time of day. An absolute date/time has one of the following formats: dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.cc dd-mmm-yyyy:hh:mm:ss.cc "dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.cc" BOOT LOGIN TODAY TOMORROW YESTERDAY You can omit any of the trailing fields in the date or time. You can omit any of the fields in the middle of the format as long as you specify the punctuation marks, for example, "-mmm-yyyy hh". 2 Combination Combination time consists of an absolute time value plus or minus a delta time value. Combination time can use either of the following formats: "[absolute time][+delta time]" [absolute time][-delta time] You can omit the absolute time value. If you do, the delta time is offset from the current date and time. Whenever a plus sign (+) precedes the delta time value, enclose the entire time specification in quotation marks. 2 Delta Delta time is an offset from the current time to a time in the future. Delta time has the following format: "+[dddd-][hh:mm:ss.cc]" You can truncate delta time after the hour field. You can also omit any of the fields after the hour field format as long as you specify the punctuation marks. 2 Examples 1.$ PRINT/AFTER=11-DEC-1996:13 NOVEMBER_REPORT.LIS $ PRINT/AFTER="11-DEC-1996 13" NOVEMBER_REPORT.LIS Both examples specify in absolute time that the file NOVEMBER_REPORT.LIS will be printed on December 11, at 1:00 p.m. 2.$ PRINT/AFTER=11-DEC-1996:13-1:00 NOVEMBER_REPORT.LIS This example specifies in combination time that the file will be printed at 12:00 p.m. on December 11, 1996. 3.$ PRINT/AFTER="+3" NOVEMBER_REPORT.LIS This example specifies in delta time that the file will be printed 3 hours from the present time.