1 SHOW Use the SHOW command to display information from the volatile database on the executor node. Use the LIST command to display information from the permanent database on the executor node. All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces when parameters are used in NCP commands. 2 CHARACTERISTICS Indicates that static information is to be displayed. 2 COUNTERS Indicates that error and performance statistics are to be displayed. Valid for circuits, lines, the executor and nodes. 2 EVENTS Indicates that logging event filters are to be displayed. Valid only with SHOW or LIST LOGGING. 2 STATUS Indicates that dynamic information is to be displayed. 2 SUMMARY Indicates that only the most useful information is to be displayed. This is the default. 2 TO file-id Specifies the output file. If none is specified, SYS$OUTPUT is the default. ! 2 AREA Use the SHOW AREA command to display area information from the volatile database available to the local node or DTE. SHOW ACTIVE AREAS CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id AREA area-id COUNTERS KNOWN AREAS STATUS SUMMARY All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ACTIVE AREAS Indicates that information for all active areas is to be displayed. 3 AREA area-id Identifies a particular area for which information is to be displayed. displayed. 3 KNOWN AREAS Indicates that information for all known areas is to be displayed. 3 Examples NCP>SHOW KNOWN AREAS STATUS This example displays status information for all known areas in the network. NCP>SHOW AREA 11 SUMMARY This example displays only the most useful information for area 11 in the network. ! 2 CIRCUIT Use the SHOW CIRCUIT command to display circuit information (from the volatile database) available to the executor node. Use the LIST CIRCUIT command to display circuit information (from the permanent database) available to the executor node. SHOW ACTIVE CIRCUITS CHARACTERISTICS ADJACENT NODE node-id LIST KNOWN CIRCUITS COUNTERS TO file-id CIRCUIT circuit-id STATUS SUMMARY All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ACTIVE CIRCUITS Indicates that information for all active circuits is to be displayed. 3 KNOWN CIRCUITS Indicates that information for all known circuits is to be displayed. 3 CIRCUIT circuit-id Identifies a particular circuit for which information is to be displayed. 3 ADJACENT NODE node-id Indicates that the display of a list of circuits is to be restricted to those circuits leading to the specified adjacent node. 3 Examples NCP>SHOW CIRCUIT DMC-0 COUNTERS This command displays circuit counter information for circuit DMC-0 on the SYS$OUTPUT device. NCP>SHOW ACTIVE CIRCUITS This command displays circuit status information for all circuits that are in the ON state. ! 2 EXECUTOR Use the SHOW EXECUTOR command to display executor node information (from the volatile database). Use the LIST EXECUTOR command to display executor node information (from the permanent database). SHOW EXECUTOR CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id LIST COUNTERS STATUS SUMMARY 3 Examples NCP>SHOW EXECUTOR CHARACTERISTICS ... NCP> This command displays local node characteristics on the SYS$OUTPUT device. NCP>SHOW EXECUTOR ... NCP> This command displays local node status information. This is the default. NCP>SHOW EXECUTOR COUNTERS TO NET.LOG This command writes node counter information for the local node to file NET.LOG. ! 2 LINE Use the SHOW LINE command to display line information (from the volatile database) available to the executor node. Use the LIST LINE command to display line information (from the permanent database) available to the executor node. SHOW ACTIVE LINES CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id LIST KNOWN LINES COUNTERS LINE line-id STATUS SUMMARY All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ACTIVE LINES Indicates that information for all active lines is to be displayed. 3 KNOWN LINES Indicates that information for all known lines is to be displayed. 3 LINE line-id Identifies a particular line for which information is to be displayed. 3 Examples NCP>SHOW LINE DMC-0 COUNTERS This command displays line counter information for line DMC-0 on the SYS$OUTPUT device. NCP>SHOW ACTIVE LINES This command displays line status information for all lines that are in the ON state. ! 2 LINKS Use the SHOW LINKS command to display link information (from the volatile database) available to the executor node. SHOW KNOWN LINKS CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id KNOWN LINKS WITH NODE node-id STATUS LINK number SUMMARY All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 LINK number Displays information about a specific link. 3 KNOWN LINKS Indicates that information for all known links is to be displayed. 3 WITH NODE node-id Indicates that information for all links to the designated node is to be displayed. 3 Examples NCP>SHOW KNOWN LINKS This command displays link status information for all links active on the executor node. NCP>SHOW KNOWN LINKS WITH NODE TRNTO TO NET.LOG This command writes link status information for all active links with remote node TRNTO to the file NET.LOG. ! 2 LOGGING Use the SHOW LOGGING command to display logging information (from the volatile database) available to the executor node. Use the LIST LOGGING command to display logging information (from the permanent database) available to the executor node. SHOW ACTIVE LOGGING CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id LIST KNOWN LOGGING EVENTS SINK NODE node-id LOGGING CONSOLE STATUS KNOWN SINKS LOGGING FILE SUMMARY LOGGING MONITOR All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ACTIVE LOGGING Indicates that information for all active logging is to be displayed. 3 KNOWN Introduces a plural parameter or component. 4 LOGGING Indicates that information for all known logging is to be displayed. 4 SINKS Indicates that information for all known sinks is to be displayed. If unspecified, only the executor node is displayed. 3 CONSOLE Indicates that information for the logging console is to be displayed. 3 FILE Indicates that information for the logging file is to be displayed. 3 MONITOR Indicates that information for the logging monitor is to be displayed. 3 SINK NODE node-id Identifies a particular sink node for which information is to be displayed. 3 Examples NCP>SHOW KNOWN LOGGING KNOWN SINKS This command displays logging status information for all known logging at all known sinks. NCP>SHOW LOGGING FILE EVENTS SINK NODE TRNTO This command displays events that are currently being logged to the logging file at node TRNTO. ! 2 MODULE Introduce the MODULE entities. 3 CONFIGURATOR The SHOW MODULE CONFIGURATOR command shows information about the Ethernet configurator module from the volatile database at the local node. Use the LIST MODULE CONFIGURATOR command to display the information stored in the permanent database. Note, the word MODULE is optional. SHOW MODULE CONFIGURATOR KNOWN CIRCUITS CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id LIST CIRCUIT circuit-id STATUS SUMMARY All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 KNOWN CIRCUITS Applies only to Ethernet circuits. Indicates the configurator information should be displayed for all known Ethernet circuits. 4 CIRCUIT Applies only to Ethernet circuits. Indicates that configurator information should be displayed only for the Ethernet circuit identified by circuit-id. 4 CHARACTERISTICS Indicates that dynamic information on all active systems on the specified Ethernet circuit or circuits is to be displayed. (Characteristics and Status result in a similar display) 4 STATUS Indicates that dynamic information on all active systems on the specified Ethernet circuit or circuits is to be displayed. (Characteristics and Status result in a similar display) 4 SUMMARY Indicates that the only information to be displayed is the list of circuits being monitored and the length of time surveillance has been maintained. This is the default type. 4 TO Specifies the output file. If none is specified, SYS$OUTPUT is the default. 3 X25-ACCESS Use the SHOW MODULE X25-ACCESS command to display the parameters of the Access Module from the volatile data base. Use the LIST MODULE X25-ACCESS command to display the Access Module parameters stored in the permanent data base. SHOW MODULE X25-ACCESS CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id LIST STATUS SUMMARY NETWORK network-name CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id KNOWN NETWORKS STATUS SUMMARY All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 CHARACTERISTICS Displays static line information. 4 NETWORK name Displays information for the specified network only. 4 KNOWN NETWORKS Displays information for all known networks. 4 STATUS Displays dynamic module information. (Used only with the SHOW MODULE X25-ACCESS command.) 4 SUMMARY Displays only the most useful module information. This is the default display type. 4 TO file-id Specifies the output file. If you omit this parameter, the default file is SYS$OUTPUT. 3 X25-PROTOCOL Use the SHOW MODULE X25-PROTOCOL command to display the parameters of the Protocol Module from the volatile data base. Use the LIST MODULE X25-PROTOCOL command to display the Protocol Module parameters stored in the permanent data base. Format: SHOW MODULE X25-PROTOCOL CHARACTERISTICS LIST COUNTERS STATUS SUMMARY TO file-spec DTE dte-address NETWORK net-name KNOWN DTES KNOWN NETWORKS GROUP groupname KNOWN GROUPS NETWORK network-name KNOWN NETWORKS All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 CHARACTERISTICS Displays static line information. 4 COUNTERS Displays DTE error and performance statistics. (Used only with the SHOW MODULE X25-PROTOCOL command.) 4 DTE dte-address Displays information for the specified DTE only. 4 GROUP name Displays information for the specified group only. 4 KNOWN 5 DTES Displays information for all known DTEs. 5 GROUPS Displays information for all known groups. 4 STATUS Displays dynamic module information. (Used only with the SHOW MODULE X25-PROTOCOL command.) 4 SUMMARY Displays only the most useful module information. This is the default display type. 4 TO file-id Specifies the output file. If you omit this parameter, the default file is SYS$OUTPUT. ! 3 X25-SERVER Use the SHOW MODULE X25-SERVER and SHOW MODULE X29-SERVER commands to display the parameters of the X25 and X.29 Call Handlers stored in the volatile data base. Use the LIST MODULE X25-SERVER and LIST MODULE X29-SERVER commands to display the parameters of the X25 and X.29 Call Handlers stored in the permanent data base. Note that keyword MODULE is optional. Format: SHOW MODULE X25-SERVER CHARACTERISTICS TO File-id LIST X29-SERVER COUNTERS STATUS SUMMARY DESTINATION name CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id KNOWN DESTINATIONS STATUS SUMMARY All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces when parameters are used in NCP commands. 4 CHARACTERISTICS Displays static line information. 4 COUNTERS Displays module error and performance statistics. (Used only with the SHOW MODULE X25-SERVER or SHOW MODULE X29-SERVER command.) 4 DESTINATION name Displays information for the specified destination only. 4 KNOWN DESTINATIONS Displays information for all known destinations. 4 STATUS Displays dynamic module information. (Used only with the SHOW MODULE X25-SERVER or SHOW MODULE X29-SERVER command.) 4 SUMMARY Displays only the most useful module information. This is the default display type. 4 TO file-id Specifies the output file. If you omit this parameter, the default file is SYS$OUTPUT. ! 2 NODE Use the SHOW NODE command to display node information (from the volatile database) available to the executor node. Use the LIST NODE command to display node information (from the permanent database) available to the executor node. SHOW ACTIVE NODES CIRCUIT circuit-id CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id LIST ADJACENT NODES CIRCUIT circuit-id COUNTERS KNOWN NODES CIRCUIT circuit-id STATUS LOOP NODES SUMMARY NODE node-id EXECUTOR All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 ACTIVE NODES For a Routing node, indicates that information for all reachable nodes is to be displayed. For a nonrouting node, indicates that information is to be displayed for the executor. 4 CIRCUIT Specifies that the display of a list of nodes is to be restricted to those nodes adjacent to the specified circuit. 3 ADJACENT NODES Indicates that information for all adjacent node id to be displayed. Adjacent nodes are those the executor perceives Routing can reach that are separated from the executor by a single circuit. 4 CIRCUIT Specifies that the display of a list of nodes is to be restricted to those nodes adjacent to the specified circuit. 3 EXECUTOR Indicates that information for the executor node is to be displayed. 3 KNOWN NODES Indicates that information for all known nodes is to be displayed. 4 CIRCUIT Specifies that the display of a list of nodes is to be restricted to those nodes adjacent to the specified circuit. 3 LOOP NODES Indicates that information for all loop nodes is to be displayed. 3 NODE node-id Identifies a particular node for which information is to be displayed. 3 Examples NCP>SHOW KNOWN NODES SUMMARY This command displays node summary information for all known nodes. NCP>SET NODE TEST CIRCUIT DMC-0 NCP>SHOW LOOP NODES The first command establishes a loop node name (TEST) for the associated circuit DMC-0. The second command displays loop node status information for all loop nodes established by the SET NODE command. ! 2 OBJECT Use the SHOW OBJECT command to display object information (from the volatile database) available to the executor node. Use the LIST OBJECT command to display object information (from the permanent database) available to the executor node. SHOW KNOWN OBJECTS CHARACTERISTICS TO file-id LIST OBJECT object-name STATUS SUMMARY All underscores found in parameters must be replaced with spaces when parameters are used in NCP commands. 3 KNOWN OBJECTS Indicates that information for all known objects is to be displayed. 3 OBJECT object-name Identifies a particular object for which information is to be displayed. 3 Examples NCP>SHOW KNOWN OBJECTS SUMMARY This command displays summary information for all known objects. !