1 Glossary =TITLE Glossary =TITLE Glossary of Help Terms =INCLUDE overview This is a glossary of DECwindows Help terms. It is not a general DECwindows glossary. Choose the term you want from the list of additional topics below. 2 Go_back =TITLE Go_back =TITLE Go Back =KEYWORD Go Back =INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions buttons_goback =INCLUDE glossary =INCLUDE overview The Go Back button and the Go Back item on the View menu display the previous help topic. Every time you perform a Visit Topic operation or a Go To Topic operation, the topic title is recorded in a history list. The Go Back operation uses this history list to display each previous topic as you request it. 2 Go_to =TITLE Go_to =TITLE Go To =KEYWORD Go To =INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_goto =INCLUDE glossary =INCLUDE overview A Go To operation displays the selected topic in the current Help window, replacing the information about the previous topic. The Go To Topic item appears on the Help window View menu. Contrast Go To with Visit, in which the current window remains open and an additional window is opened to display the requested new topic. 2 history =TITLE history =TITLE History =KEYWORD history =INCLUDE overview menus_search menus_search_history =INCLUDE glossary =INCLUDE overview Every time you perform a Go To or Visit To operation on a help topic, the topic title is recorded in a history list. The Go Back button and the Go Back item of the View menu use this history list to display each previous topic as you request it. You can also access the history list through the History... item of the Search menu. The History... item lets you return quickly to a topic that is far back in the history list. 2 keyword =TITLE keyword =TITLE Keyword =KEYWORD keyword =INCLUDE overview menus_search menus_search_keyword =INCLUDE glossary =INCLUDE overview A keyword is a subject that is associated with one or more help topics. A help topic can have one or more keywords associated with it. You can use the Keyword... menu item of the Search menu to see the list of keywords and to see topics that have a specific keyword associated with them. 2 topic =TITLE topic =TITLE Topic =KEYWORD topic =INCLUDE glossary =INCLUDE overview A topic is a basic unit of help information. If a topic is longer than the help text area, you can use the scroll bar to view the rest of the topic. 2 Visit =TITLE Visit =TITLE Visit =KEYWORD visit =INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_visit =INCLUDE glossary =INCLUDE overview A Visit operation displays the selected topic in a separate help window. The Visit Topic item appears on the Help window View menu. Contrast with Go To, in which the selected topic is displayed in the current Help window, replacing the current topic.