1 SET ! Modify the default values for optional parameters. SET DEFAULT [ DIRECTORY_SERVICE dir-service ] [ DISPLAY_MODE display-mode ] [ NSAP_FORMAT format ] [ PHASEIV_PREFIX addr-prefix ] [ REVERSE_DIRECTORY rev-dir-name ] [ SYNONYM_DIRECTORY syn-dir-name ] This provides a means to preset the values for commonly used parameters, such as the reverse address mapping directory name to use for a particular directory service. This is particularly useful when done in a DECNET_REGISTER initialization command file (see "HELP USAGE INITIALIZATION_COMMAND_FILE"). ! 2 DEFAULT ! This keywork is required. It indicates that default parameter values are being modified. See the SET topic for a general description of the SET DEFAULT command. ! 2 DIRECTORY_SERVICE ! This specifies the directory service to use as the default, when the command does not specify a directory service. DIRECTORY_SERVICE dir-service The service must be one of: DIRECTORY_SERVICE LOCAL DIRECTORY_SERVICE DECDNS DIRECTORY_SERVICE PHASEIV If other parameters are specified in the command, this also determines the directory service that those additional default value parameters apply to. For example: SET DEFAULT DIRECTORY_SERVICE DECdns REVERSE_DIR .DNA_BackTranslation ! 2 DISPLAY_MODE ! This specifies the default display mode to use when the mode is not explicitly requested in the command. The following display modes are provided. DISPLAY_MODE NAMES Display only the names DISPLAY_MODE BRIEF Display names and addresses DISPLAY_MODE FULL Display and error check all information For example: SET DEFAULT DISPLAY_MODE FULL See the SHOW DISPLAY-MODE topic for more information on each mode. ! 2 NSAP_FORMAT ! This specifies the default NSAP display format to use when the format is not explicitly requested in the command. The following display formats are provided. NSAP_FORMAT DNA Use DNA format NSAP_FORMAT OSI Use OSI format For example: SET DEFAULT NSAP_FORMAT OSI See the SHOW NSAP_FORMAT topic for more information on these display formats. ! 2 PHASEIV_PREFIX ! This specifies the default AFI, IDI, and preDSP to use when constructing an NSAP from a Phase IV address. This is used when a Phase IV address is specified in an address tower, and an explicit Phase IV prefix is not specified. PHASEIV_PREFIX addr-prefix For example: SET DEFAULT PHASEIV_PREFIX 39:840:800AB738 See the PHASE_IV_PREFIXES topic for details about Phase IV prefix values. ! 2 REVERSE_DIRECTORY ! This specifies the default base directory or name entry to use for the reverse address mapping links to the node name (also called the back translation links). REVERSE_DIRECTORY rev-dir-name The links under this directory are used to map NSAP values to their respective node names. These directories are used only for the DECdns directory service. For example: SET DEFAULT DIRECTORY_SERVICE DECDNS REVERSE_DIR .DNA_BackTranslation For more information, please refer to the NAMES_AND_DIRECTORIES topic. ! 2 SYNONYM_DIRECTORY ! This specifies the default base directory or name entry to use for the synonym mapping link to the node name. SYNONYM_DIRECTORY syn-dir-name The links under this directory are used to map Phase IV synonyms to their respective node names. These directories are used only for the DECdns directory service. For example: SET DEFAULT DIRECTORY_SERVICE DECDNS SYNONYM_DIR .DNA_NodeSynonym For more information, please refer to the NAMES_AND_DIRECTORIES topic. ! !