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<a id="0." href="#"></a>
<title>WASD Install and Update &ndash; New to WASD? Start Here!</title>
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<a id="newtowasdstarthere" href="#"></a>
<h1 class="head chunk">WASD Install and Update</h1>
<h1 class="head"><span class="numb">1.</span><span class="text">New to WASD? Start Here!</span></h1>

<table class="TOC2table">
<tr><td><a href="install001.html#1.1.usingia64hostedx86crosscomplier"><span class="numb">1.1</span><span class="text">Using IA64-hosted X86 Cross-Complier?</span></a>
<tr><td><a href="install001.html#1.2.troubleshooting"><span class="numb">1.2</span><span class="text">Troubleshooting?</span></a>

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<a id="" href="#"></a>
<a id="1.welcome" href="#"></a>
<a id="welcome" href="#"></a>
<h5 class="head"><span class="text">Welcome!</span></h5>

<p> WASD is outlined in the
<a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../features/#introduction">Introduction</a> and
<a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../features/#packageoverview">Package Overview</a> sections of the
<a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../features/#0.">WASD Features</a> document.

<p> There are a number of approaches to installing and updating a WASD package. 
<br>The <span class="high italic">vanilla recipes</span> are <a class="link" href="install002.html#2.installation">2. Installation</a> and <a class="link" href="install003.html#3.update">3. Update</a> but there are 
<a class="link" href="install005.html#5.otherwaystodeploy">5. Other Ways to Deploy</a>.

<p> This section provides a quick guide to getting your WASD package installed,
configured and serving.

<ol class="list">

<li class="item"> <span class="high bold">Unzip Package</span>

<p> Install the files following the guidelines in <a class="link" href="install002.html#2.installation">2. Installation</a>.
<br> <span class="high bold">Note</span> that more than one archive may be needed
(<a class="link" href="install002.html#2.1.sourcearchiveobjectmodulearchives">&lsquo;Source Archive, Object Module Archives&rsquo; in 2.1 Package UNZIP</a>).

<p> If <span class="high bold">Transport Layer Security</span> (TLS - a.k.a. <span class="high bold">Secure Sockets Layer</span>
- SSL) is to be used and a TLS/SSL server image to be built the WASD [Open]SSL
product must be installed at this stage (see
<a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../features/#tlssslfunctionalitysources">TLS/SSL Functionality Sources</a> of <a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../features/#0.">WASD Features and Facilities</a>).
An existing VSI SSL111 for OpenVMS product (all based on OpenSSL 1.0.2 and
earlier obsolete) requires no  additional step.  If the WASD [Open]SSL package
it must UNZIPed into the [.WASD_ROOT] tree at this stage.

<div class="blockof code">&dollar; UNZIP -d [.WASD_ROOT] device:[dir]OPENSSLWASD<span class="high italic">nnn-arch</span>.ZIP

<p> Note the use of the <span class="high bold">&quot;-d&quot; switch</span>.

<li class="item"> <span class="high bold">INSTALL Package</span>

<p> Server installation is performed using the INSTALL.COM procedure
(<a class="link" href="install002.html#2.9.installcomprocedure">2.9 INSTALL.COM Procedure</a>).

<ul class="list">

<li class="item"> <span class="high bold">Build Package &ndash; </span>
Compile and link, or just link supplied object files to produce VMS
executables for the system's version of VMS.

<li class="item"> <span class="high bold">Check Package &ndash; </span>
Check basic operation of the package (<a class="link" href="install002.html#2.10.quickcheck">2.10 Quick-Check</a>).

<li class="item"> <span class="high bold">Create Server and Scripting Accounts &ndash; </span>
Create two independent accounts, one for executing the server, the other for
executing scripts (<a class="link" href="install004.html#4.1.vmsserveraccount">4.1 VMS Server Account</a>).  If quotas are enabled on
the target disk provides an ambit allocation for these accounts.  Review this
at some stage.

<li class="item"> <span class="high bold">Set Package Security &ndash; </span>
This sections traverses the newly installed tree and sets all package
directories and files to required levels of access
(<a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../config/#maintainingpackagesecurity">Maintaining Package Security</a> in <a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../config/#0.">WASD Configuration</a>).

<li class="item"> <span class="high bold">Copy Support and Configuration Files &ndash; </span>
Copy the example server support and configuration files
(<a class="link" href="install004.html#4.3.accountsupportfiles">4.3 Account Support Files</a>).

<li class="item"> <span class="high bold">Install Scripts &ndash; </span>
Selectively copy groups of scripts from package build directories into the
scripting directories.


<li class="item"> <span class="high bold">Configure Package</span>

<p> Following the execution of the INSTALL.COM procedure the package should
require only minor, further configuration.

<p> <span class="high bold">Initially</span> two files may require alteration.

<ol class="list">

<li class="item"> The startup file, possibly to set the local WASD_CONFIG_GMT logical (for
systems not supporting DTSS (e.g. DECnet-Plus)).  Consider using the
STARTUP_LOCAL.COM file for other site-specific requirements
(<a class="link" href="install004.html#4.3.accountsupportfiles">4.3 Account Support Files</a>).

<li class="item"> The only configuration that should require immediate attention will be
the mapping rules
(<a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../config/#requestprocessingconfiguration">Request Processing Configuration</a> in <a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../config/#0.">WASD Configuration</a>).


<p> <span class="high bold">More generally</span> server runtime configuration involves the considerations
discussed in <a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../config/#siteorganisation">Site Organisation</a> of <a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../config/#0.">WASD Configuration</a>
along with the following aspects:

<ul class="list">

<li class="item"> Configuring the HTTP server run-time characteristics
(<a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../config/#configurationconsiderations">Configuration Considerations</a> in <a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../config/#0.">WASD Configuration</a>).

<li class="item"> Mapping request paths to the VMS file system, and to other things such as
(<a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../config/#requestprocessingconfiguration">Request Processing Configuration</a> in <a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../config/#0.">WASD Configuration</a>).

<li class="item"> Customizing some or all messages
(<a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../config/#messageconfiguration">Message Configuration</a> in <a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../config/#0.">WASD Configuration</a>).

<li class="item"> Establishing an authentication and authorization environment
(<a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../config/#authorizationconfigurationbasics">Authorization Configuration (Basics)</a> in <a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../config/#0.">WASD Configuration</a>).


<li class="item"> <span class="high bold">Start Server</span>

<p> Execute the startup procedure (<a class="link" href="install004.html#4.3.startupcom">&lsquo;STARTUP.COM&rsquo; in 4.3 Account Support Files</a>).
Get your browser and connect!

<li class="item"> <span class="high bold">Find Out What's Wrong</span> <span class="high _frowny">&thinsp;</span>

<p> Of course <span class="high italic">something</span> will not be right!  This can happen with
the initial configuration and sometimes when changing configuration.  The
server provides information messages in the run-time log, look in the

<p> Remember, the basic installation's integrity can always be checked
as described in <a class="link" href="install002.html#2.10.quickcheck">2.10 Quick-Check</a>).
This uses the configuration files from the [EXAMPLE] directory, so provided
these have not been altered the server should execute in
<span class="high italic">demonstration mode</span> correctly.

<p> Can't resolve it? See <a class="link" href="install002.html#2.12.reportingproblems">2.12 Reporting Problems</a>.


<a id="1.1" href="#"></a>
<a id="1.1.usingia64hostedx86crosscomplier" href="#"></a>
<a id="usingia64hostedx86crosscomplier" href="#"></a>
<h2 class="head"><span class="numb">1.1</span><span class="text">Using IA64-hosted X86 Cross-Complier?</span></h2>

<p> Until a native X86 C compiler becomes available all WASD package and
additional application builds must be done in two phases.

<ol class="list">
<li class="item"> cross-compile on an IA64 system
<li class="item"> link resulting object file(s) on the X86 system

<p> When building using the cross-compiler tools the procedures recognise the
XCC&dollar;COMPILER environment and adjust to create and use <span class="high monosp"> [.OBJ_X86_64]</span> object
code directories. 

<p> For example; to build WASD package:

<ol class="list">

<li class="item"> On IA64 ensure <span class="high monosp"> @SYS&dollar;MANAGER:X86_XTOOLS&dollar;SYLOGIN.COM</span> and then select
&quot;3. Compile only&quot; and complete the compilation.

<ul class="list">

<li class="item"> For clustered IA64/X86 with an MSCP-mounted volume containing a shared
<span class="high monosp"> [WASD_ROOT]</span> the appropriate object files are now available to the X86

<p> Proceed with the second phase.

<li class="item"> For non-clustered build environments the same WASD kit must be installed
on both IA64 and X86 systems. After compilation the resulting <span class="high monosp"> [.OBJ_X86_64]</span>
directories must be ZIPed into an archive, transferred to the X86 system and
restored into the corresponding <span class="high monosp"> [WASD_ROOT]</span>.

<p> For example:

<div class="blockof code">IA64&dollar; SET DEFAULT <span class="high italic">device</span>:[WASD_ROOT]
IA64&dollar; ZIP &quot;-V&quot; <span class="high italic">location</span>:X86_1200_OBJ.ZIP [...OBJ_X86_64]*.OBJ

<div class="blockof code">X86&dollar; SET DEFAULT <span class="high italic">device</span>:[WASD_ROOT]
X86&dollar; UNZIP <span class="high italic">location</span>:X86_1200_OBJ.ZIP

<p> Proceed with the second phase.


<li class="item"> On X86  perform the corresponding  &quot;2. linking (separate package) object
modules&quot;, and continue the rest of the installation.


<a id="1.2" href="#"></a>
<a id="1.2.troubleshooting" href="#"></a>
<a id="troubleshooting" href="#"></a>
<h2 class="head"><span class="numb">1.2</span><span class="text">Troubleshooting?</span></h2>

<p> When initially installing or configuring WASD, and sometimes later where
something breaks spectacularly, it is most useful to be able to gain insight
into what the server is up to.

<p> The <span class="high italic">go-to</span> tool is&nbsp;  <span style="font-size:110%">WATCH</span>&nbsp; 
(yes, all capitals, and for no other reason than it makes it stand out).

<p> WATCH is described in detail in
<a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../features/#watchfacility">WATCH Facility</a> of the <a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../features/#0.">WASD Features and Facilities</a>

<p> For most circumstances WATCH can be made available for troubleshooting even
if the configuration is significantly broken.  This is done by using a
skeleton-key to authorise special access into the server.

<p> The skeleton-key is described in detail in
<a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../features/#skeletonkeyauthentication">Skeleton-Key Authentication</a> of the <a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="../features/#0.">WASD Features and Facilities</a>

<p> <span class="high bold">TL;DR</span>

<p> Enable at the command-line with the username anything beginning with an
underscore and at least 8 characters, same for the password length.

<div class="blockof code">&dollar; HTTPD /DO=AUTH=SKELKEY=_<span class="high italic">username</span>:<span class="high italic">password</span>

<p> Then using a browser access any available service, entering the above
username (including underscore) and password when prompted.

<div class="blockof block"><a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="/httpd/-/admin/report/WATCH">https://<i>the.host.name:port</i>&thinsp;/httpd/-/admin/report/WATCH</a>

<p> The service administration facilities (of which WATCH is one) are also
available and useful.

<div class="blockof block"><a class="link blank" target="_blank" href="/httpd/-/admin/">https://<i>the.host.name:port</i>&thinsp;/httpd/-/admin/</a>
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