|1Bookreader Books and Libraries||

|^ |*While largely of historical interest these days||, access to Bookreader
format documentation (and any generated  internally) is provided in the WASD
web environment via two integrated  scripts, |/HyperReader||, which reads the
books, and  |/HyperShelf||, which reads the Library and Shelf structures. 

|^ The HyperReader and HyperShelf scripts are automatically activated when 
the document file's extension is ".DECW$BOOK" and  ".DECW$BOOKSHELF"
respectively.  Alternatively, the  respective scripts may be explicitly
specified (but the ability to provide a  relative specification is lost).

|^ If the server system supports Bookreader documentation collection one ot
both the following links will provide an online demonstration:

|~ |. |link%=|/HyperShelf/|
|~ |. |link%=|/cgi-bin/HyperShelf/|