
Test a condition returning true or false.

Uses the GNU RX1.5 regular expression package.
Evaluation is done using case-insensitive, EGREP-compatible matching.

A detailed tutorial on regular expression capabilities and usage is well
beyond the scope of this document.  This summary is only to serve as a quick
mnemonic.  VWcms regular expressions support the following set of operators.

  Operator Overview

  Description                    Usage
  -----------                    -----
  Match-self Operator            Ordinary characters
  Match-any-character Operator   .
  Concatenation Operator         Juxtaposition.
  Repetition Operators           *  +  ? {}
  Alternation Operator           |
  List Operators                 [...]  [^...]
  Grouping Operators             (...)
  Back-reference Operator        \digit
  Anchoring Operators            ^  $
  Backslash Operator             Escape meta-character (e.g. \ ^ . $ | [ ()

The following operators are used to match one, or in conjunction with the
repetition operators more, characters of the target string.  These single and
leading characters are reserved meta-characters and must be escaped using a
leading backslash ("\") if required as a literal character in the matching

  Matching Operators

  Expression        Purpose
  ----------        -------
  ^                 Match the beginning of the line
  .                 Match any character
  $                 Match the end of the line
  |                 Alternation (or)
  [abc]             Match only a, b or c
  [^abc]            Match anything except a, b and c
  [a-z0-9]          Match any character in the range a to z or 0 to 9

Repetition operators control the extent, or number, of whatever the matching
operators match. These are also reserved meta-characters and must be escaped
using a leading backslash if required as a literal character.

  Repetition Operators

  Expression        Function
  ----------        --------
  *                 Match 0 or more times
  +                 Match 1 or more times
  ?                 Match 1 or zero times
  {n}               Match exactly n times
  {n,}              Match at least n times
  {n,m}             Match at least n but not more than m times

Regular expression equivalents of these common wildcards

  asterisk ('*')           .*
  question mark ('?')      .
  percentage ('%')         .

04-JUL-2019  MGD  initial

#include "wasdoc.h"
#include "regex.h"
#include <descrip.h>
#include <starlet.h>
#include <unixlib.h>

extern int  dbug;

NULL or empty value is false.

If test NULL or empty then positive number value is true, zero/negative false,
and if empty then the fact the value exists is true (otherwise it would have
been false).

If test contains a string then test by matching it (keyword or regex) against
the value.

int testCondition
struct wasdoc_st *docptr,
char *value,
char *test
   /* if the value is empty then false */
   if (!value || !*value) return (0);

   /* if no keyword or regex */
   if (!test || !*test)
      /* if value an integer then negative and zero is false, positive true */
      if (isdigit(*value)) return (atoi(value) > 0);

      /* no keyword/regex then mere existance is considered true */
      return (1);

   return (testMatch (docptr, value, test) != NULL);

The time: conditional allows document behaviour to change according to the time
of day (or even year), comparing the supplied parameter to the current system
time in one of three forms.

1) A twenty-four hour clock range as 'hhmm-hhmm', for example '1200-1759',
which should be read as "twelve noon to five fifty-nine PM" (i.e.  as a time
range in minutes), where the first is the start time and the second the end
time of a range.  If the current time is within that range (inclusive) the
conditional returns true, otherwise false.  If the range doesn't look correct
false is always returned.

2) A single digit, '1'..'7', representing the day of the week, where 1 is
Monday, 2 is Tuesday .. 7 is Sunday.  Not exactly the historical way of
numbering weekdays (ask any student of Judaism) but it is what
lib$day_of_week() returns :^)

3) The final way (if neither of the above) is as a string match with a VMS
comparision time (i.e. 'yyyy-mmm-dd hh-mm-ss.hh').

int testTime
struct wasdoc_st *docptr,
char *param
   static char  timeString [24];
   static $DESCRIPTOR (timeStringDsc, timeString);
   static $DESCRIPTOR (timeFaoDsc, "!4UL-!2ZL-!2ZL !2ZL:!2ZL:!2ZL.!2ZL\0");

   int  currentMinute,
   ulong  time64[2];
   ushort  numTime [7];
   char  *cptr, *pptr;

   /* begin */

   sys$gettim (&time64);

   pptr = param;

   if (docptr->insight >= 5) wasDocInsight (docptr, "%s", pptr);

   if (isdigit(pptr[0]) && !isdigit(pptr[1]))
      /* day of week, 1 == Monday, 2 == Tuesday .. 7 == Sunday */
      lib$day_of_week (&time64, &dayOfWeek);
      result = 0;
      for (cptr = pptr; *cptr; cptr++)
         if (!isdigit(*cptr)) continue;
         theDay = *cptr - '0';
         if (theDay == dayOfWeek) result = 1;
      if (docptr->insight >= 5)
         wasDocInsight (docptr, "%s%d %s == %u",
                        result ? "&check;" : "&cross;",
                        result, param, dayOfWeek);
      return (result);

   sys$numtim (numTime, time64);

   if (isdigit(pptr[0]) && isdigit(pptr[1]) &&
       isdigit(pptr[2]) && isdigit(pptr[3]) && pptr[4] == '-' &&
       isdigit(pptr[5]) && isdigit(pptr[6]) &&
       isdigit(pptr[7]) && isdigit(pptr[8]))
      /* time range */
      result = 1;
      startMinute = (((pptr[0]-'0')*10) + (pptr[1]-'0')) * 60;
      if (startMinute > 1380) result = 0;
      startMinute += ((pptr[2]-'0')*10) + (pptr[3]-'0');
      if (startMinute >= 1440) result = 0;
      endMinute = (((pptr[5]-'0')*10) + (pptr[6]-'0')) * 60;
      if (endMinute > 1380) result = 0;
      endMinute += ((pptr[7]-'0')*10) + (pptr[8]-'0');
      if (endMinute >= 1440) result = 0;
      if (result)
         currentMinute = numTime[3] * 60 + numTime[4];
         if (startMinute <= currentMinute && currentMinute <= endMinute)
            result = 1;
            result = 0;
         if (docptr->insight >= 5)
            wasDocInsight (docptr, "%s%d %u <= %u <= %u",
                           result ? "&check;" : "&cross;",
                           result, startMinute, currentMinute, endMinute);
         return (result);
      if (docptr->insight >= 5) wasDocInsight (docptr, "FALSE times?");
      return (result);

   /* comparison time string */
   sys$fao (&timeFaoDsc, NULL, &timeStringDsc,
            numTime[0], numTime[1], numTime[2],
            numTime[3], numTime[4], numTime[5],
   if (*pptr == '^')
      result = (testMatch (docptr, timeString, pptr+1) != NULL);
      result = decc$match_wild (timeString, pptr);
   if (docptr->insight >= 5)
      wasDocInsight (docptr, "%s%d %s \'%s\'",
                     result ? "&check;" : "&cross;",
                     result, timeString, pptr);
   return (result);

Look for |this| in |that|.  Can be a keyword or a regular expression.
Return a pointer to the character immediately following the match, or a NULL.

char* testMatch
struct wasdoc_st *docptr,
char *that,
char *this
   char  *cptr, *sptr;

   if (dbug>1) fprintf (stdout, "testMatch()\n");

   if (docptr->insight >= 5) wasDocInsight (docptr, "%s %s", this, that);

   if (*this == '^') return (testRegex (docptr, that, this+1));

   while (*that)
      if (tolower(*that) != tolower(*this))
      cptr = that;
      sptr = this;
      for (;;)
         if (!*cptr || !*sptr) break;
         if (tolower(*cptr) != tolower(*sptr)) break;
      if (!*sptr) return (cptr);

   return (NULL);

Search for the supplied regular expression in the pointed-to text.  The search
is case-insensitive.  If a hit occurs return a pointer to the next character
after the hit.  If a hit does not occur return a NULL.

char* testRegex
struct wasdoc_st *docptr,
char *that,
char *thisRegEx
   static int  RegexCflags = REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE,
               RegexEflags = 0;

   static regex_t  *rexptr;
   static regex_t  regexp;

   int  retval;
   char  RegExErrMsg [256];
   regmatch_t  pmatch;

   /* begin */

   if (dbug>1) fprintf (stdout, "testRegex()\n");

   if (!that)
      /* initialise */
      if (!rexptr) return (NULL);
      regfree (&regexp);
      rexptr = NULL;
      return (NULL);

   if (!rexptr)
      retval = regcomp (&regexp, thisRegEx, RegexCflags);
      if (retval)
         regerror (retval, &regexp, RegExErrMsg, sizeof(RegExErrMsg));
         if (docptr->insight >= 2) wasDocInsight(docptr, "%s", RegExErrMsg);
         regfree (&regexp);
         return (NULL);
      rexptr = &regexp;

   retval = regexec (rexptr, that, 1, &pmatch, RegexEflags);
   if (retval)
      regfree (&regexp);
      rexptr = NULL;
      return (NULL);

   return (that + pmatch.rm_so);
