$! 07-AUG-2002  MGD  /node on show users
$! 24-AUG-2001  MGD  exchange TYPE SYS$INPUTs for WRITE SYS$OUTPUTs
$! 13-AUG-2000  MGD  /full on show memory
$! 08-JAN-2000  MGD  needed a diversion from ODS-5 modifications
$! 01-SEP-1997  MGD  quick hack
$ say = "write sys$output"
$!(the FREEWARE_DEMO.COM procedure uses it by defining a job-level logical)
$!(to permanently enable this script change the following 0 to a 1)
$ enable_show = 0
$ if .not. f$trnlnm("WASD_ENABLE_SHOW") .and. .not. enable_show
$ then
$    say "Content-Type: text/html"
$    say "Script-Control: X-buffer-records"
$    say ""
$    say "<FONT SIZE=+1>Sorry! &nbsp;The <U>SHOW</U> script is disabled.</FONT>"
$    say "<TR><TD>To enable ...</TD><TD><TT>DEFINE/SYSTEM WASD_ENABLE_SHOW 1</TT></TD></TR>"
$    say "<TR><TD>or modify ...</TD><TD><TT>WASD_ROOT:[CGI-BIN]SHOW.COM<TT></TD></TR>"
$    say "</TABLE>"
$    exit
$ endif
$ refresh = ""
$ if f$type(www_form_refresh) .nes. "" then refresh = www_form_refresh
$ if f$type(www_form_show) .nes. "" then goto doShow
$ if f$type(www_form_monitor) .nes. "" then goto doMonitor
$ refresh = www_query_string
$ do = www_script_name + "?"
$ if refresh .nes. "" then do = do + "refresh=''refresh'&"
$ say "Content-Type: text/html"
$ say "Script-Control: X-buffer-records"
$ say ""
$ say "<BODY LINK=""#0000cc"" VLINK=""#0000cc"">"
$ say "<TABLE BORDER=0>"
$ say "<TR><TH COLSPAN=2><U>On system ''f$getsyi("nodename")'</U></TH></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD COLSPAN=2>&nbsp;</TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD VALIGN=top>"
$ say "<TABLE BORDER=0>"
$ say "<TR><TH ROWSPAN=11 VALIGN=top>SHOW:&nbsp;&nbsp;</TH>"
$ say "<TD><A HREF=""''do'show=cluster"">CLUSTER</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'show=cpu"">CPU</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'show=disks"">DISKS</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'show=memory/full"">MEMORY</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'show=memory/cache/full"">MEMORY/CACHE</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'show=memory/pool/full"">MEMORY/POOL</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'show=queue"">QUEUES</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'show=system"">SYSTEM</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'show=time"">TIME</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'show=users/node"">USERS</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'show=users/cluster"">USERS/CLUSTER</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "</TABLE>"
$ say "</TD><TD VALIGN=top>"
$ say "<TABLE BORDER=0>"
$ say "<TR><TH ROWSPAN=14 VALIGN=top>MONITOR:&nbsp;&nbsp;</TH>"
$ say "<TD><A HREF=""''do'monitor=decnet"">DECNET</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'monitor=disk"">DISK</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'monitor=dlock"">DLOCK</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'monitor=fcp"">FCP</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'monitor=file"">FILE CACHE</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'monitor=io"">IO</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'monitor=lock"">LOCK</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'monitor=modes"">MODES</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'monitor=mscp"">MSCP</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'monitor=page"">PAGE</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'monitor=scs"">SCS</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'monitor=states"">STATES</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "<TR><TD><A HREF=""''do'monitor=system"">SYSTEM</A></TD></TR>"
$ say "</TABLE>"
$ say "</TD></TR>"
$ say "</TABLE>"
$ say "<P>To refresh periodically add &quot;?<I>n</I>&quot; (in seconds) to"
$ say "this menu page,<BR>or &quot;&refresh=<I>n</I>&quot; to a display page."
$ exit
$ doShow:
$ say "Content-Type: text/html"
$ say "Script-Control: X-buffer-records"
$ say ""
$ if refresh .nes. "" -
     then say "<META HTTP-EQUIV=""Refresh"" CONTENT=""''refresh'"">"
$ say "<PLAINTEXT>"
$ showList = "|cluster|cpu|disks|memory/full|memory/cache/full" +-
$ showThis = "|" + www_form_show + "|"
$ if f$locate(showThis,showList) .ge. f$length(showList)
$ then
$    say "Unknown SHOW"
$    exit
$ endif
$ if www_form_show .eqs. "disks"
$ then
$    show dev d
$    exit
$ endif
$ show 'www_form_show'
$ exit
$ doMonitor:
$ say "Content-Type: text/html"
$ say "Script-Control: X-buffer-records"
$ say ""
$ if refresh .nes. "" -
     then say "<META HTTP-EQUIV=""Refresh"" CONTENT=""''refresh'"">"
$ say "<PLAINTEXT>"
$ monitorList = "|decnet|disk|dlock|fcp|file|io|lock|modes|mscp" +-
$ monitorThis = "|" + www_form_monitor + "|"
$ if f$locate(monitorThis,monitorList) .ge. f$length(monitorList)
$ then
$    say "Unknown MONITOR"
$    exit
$ endif
$ monitor 'www_form_monitor' /int=1 /end="+0 00:00:03"
$ exit