$! Demonstrates various combinations of a script requesting the server
$! generate an error message on it's behalf.
$! Copy this into the server scripting directory (e.g. HT_ROOT:[CGI-BIN])
$! then access http://the.server.name/cgi-bin/request_error_msg
$! 09-NOV-2002  MGD  initial
$ say = "write sys$output"
$ if www_query_string .eqs. ""
$ then
$    say "Content-Type: text/html"
$    say ""
$    say "<HEAD>"
$    say "</HEAD>"
$    say "<HTML>"
$    say "<B>Examples of script-requested, server-generated error messages.</B>"
$    say "<P><FONT SIZE=-1>(Some components of these messages may not be " +-
         "generated depending on site error message configuration!)</FONT>"
$    say "<FORM ACTION=""''www_script_name'"">"
$    say "<P><INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=do VALUE=1 CHECKED>vanilla error message"
$    say "<BR><INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=do VALUE=2>simple VMS status"
$    say "<BR><INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=do VALUE=3>VMS status with file " +-
         "specification&nbsp; <I>(look at the HTML source of this message)</I>"
$    say "<BR><INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=do VALUE=4>error message with module/line"
$    say "<BR><INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=do VALUE=5>use only the first four selectors"
$    say "<P><INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=""Request Error Message"">"
$    say "</FORM>"
$    say "<FORM ACTION=""''www_script_name'"">"
$    say "<P><INPUT TYPE=submit NAME=do VALUE=""Display This Procedure"">"
$    say "</FORM>"
$    say "</HTML>"
$    exit
$ endif
$ if f$extract(0,7,f$element(1,"=",www_query_string)) .eqs. "Display"
$ then
$    say "Content-Type: text/plain"
$    say ""
$    type 'f$environment("procedure")'
$    exit
$ endif
$ if www_query_string .eqs. "do=1"
$ then
$    say "Status: 400"
$    say "Script-Control: X-error-text=""Well actually it could!&nbsp; An example non-VMS status error message."""
$    say ""
$    exit
$ endif
$ if www_query_string .eqs. "do=2"
$ then
$    say "Status: 500"
$    say "Script-Control: X-error-text=""a VMS status value generated report (REALLY!)"""
$    say "Script-Control: X-error-vms-status=676"
$    say ""
$    exit
$ endif
$ if www_query_string .eqs. "do=3"
$ then
$    say "Status: 000 (allows the server to generate it's own HTTP status code)"
$    say "Script-Control: X-error-text=""/this/file/does/not.exist"""
$    say "Script-Control: X-error-vms-status=%X00000910"
$    say "Script-Control: X-error-vms-text=""THIS:[FILE.DOES]NOT.EXIST"""
$    say ""
$    exit
$ endif
$ if www_query_string .eqs. "do=4"
$ then
$    say "Status: 403"
$    say "Script-Control: X-error-text=""This message specifies the META module and line (check the HTML source)."""
$    say "Script-Control: X-error-module=REQUEST_ERROR_MSG; X-error-line=999"
$    say "Content-Type: text/html"
$    say ""
$    say "<!-- this is just ignored by WASD -->"
$    say "<b>ERROR 403:</b> For other, less capable server environments :^)"
$    exit
$ endif
$ say "Status: 400"
$ say "Script-Control: X-error-text=""Difficult to tell the difference, isn't it?"""
$ say ""