$! It appears as if there is a problem with HTML_PREPROC.C and the parsing of
$! the .HTMLX document file name.  Works OK with the CALLABLE_PREPROC compiled
$! versions but not as a stand-alone script.  This DCL wrapper just removes
$! the offending, leading script name component, which does not appear to be
$! being stripped by the script itself.
$! 12-DEC-2002  MGD  move ht_exe: to cgi-bin:[000000]
$! 12-AUG-1998  MGD  initial
$ P2 = P2 - "/htbin/html_preproc"
$ htmlPreproc = "$cgi-bin:[000000]html_preproc"
$ htmlPreproc "''P1'" "''P2'" "''P3'"