/* This file defines data structures for interpreting bookreader (DEC$BOOK)
 * files.
 * Every data structure except for text_rec has a common header format:
 * 	  struct { unsigned short type; long length; }
 * The length includes the header.  The primary record types are:
 *    First:	Root record for the document, is always first record in file.
 *		This record contains identifcation information (e.g. author),
 *		size information (e.g. maxfontid), and pointers to the
 *		basic components of the documents (.e.g table of contents).
 *		A crucial item is the record address of the last record,
 *		which maps part numbers (page numbers) to file records
 *		(see below).
 *		After the fixed portion of the first record, there is
 *		list of ssub-records  used to describe and locate the
 *		indices available (contents, index) and optional license
 *		information.
 *     Bodypart: These records comprise the displayable 'content' of
 *		the document.  These records have a fixed header followed
 *		by a variable number of sub-records.  The fixed portion
 *		contains sizing info and forward and backward pointers to
 *		the bodyparts logical chain.  A sub-record can contain
 *		text, a graphic figure, a hotspot definition, or an
 *		extension definition (e.g. gray area).
 *     Index:	This records contains data to allow a user to select a
 *		section for viewing.  It consists of a list of sub-records
 *		describing the items in the index.
 *     Last:	This record contains a table for locating the file records
 *		comprising a part (a.k.a. page). The part number used is an
 *		index into the table and each table entry contains the
 *		RFA of the first record of the part and the size of the part.
 *		Note that a part may be larger than 32767 so it may have to
 *		span multiple RMS records.  When a part must continue to the
 *		next record, the last 10 bytes of the record have the RFA and
 *		(remaining??) part size of the continuation record.  The
 *		continued record has type of continue_middle or continue_end.
 *	secmap: Section Map, contains a table maping the section number
 *		values in an index record to the part number containing that
 *		section.
 *	f_desc:	????
 *	font:	This part is composed a set of font definition sub-records,
 *		each definition binds a font number (used in the attributes
 *		header of a text sub-record) to the adobe font name.
 *	continue_middle:
 *      continue_end: These records hold continuation segements for parts
 *		that span multiple RMS records.  The data is logically
 *		concatenated to the previous record starting the RFA pointing
 *		to this record (i.e. 10 bytes are trimmed from previous record).
 *   Define symbolic names for records.
#define BKREC_FIRST 1			/* Root record for decw$book file */
#define BKREC_BODYPART 3		/* Document body (text) */
#define BKREC_INDEX 4			/* Index to other pages */
#define BKREC_LAST 5			/* Page id to RFA conversion */
#define BKREC_SECMAP 6
#define BKREC_FDX 7
#define BKREC_FONT 9
#define BKREC_CONT_MID 10		/* Page continuation record. */
#define BKREC_CONT_END 11		/* Final record in segmented page */
#define BKSBREC_TABLE 12
#define BKSBREC_ASCZ_32 13
#define BKSBREC_FONT 14
#define BKSBREC_FDESC 15
#define BKSBREC_IXTXT 16
#define BKSBREC_FIGHOT 20		/* Figure hotspot definition */
#define BKSBREC_LICENSE 24		/* Alternate license */

#ifdef __DECC			/* Data structures are unaligned */
#pragma nomember_alignment
#define BKREC_COMMON_HEADER unsigned short type; long length;
 * Define macros to return char pointer to start of variable region of
 * record and its size.
#define BKREC_VAR_P(a,typ) &a->reloff[sizeof(a->typ)]
#define BKREC_VAR_S(a,typ) (a->gen.length - sizeof(a->typ))
 * Some dataFile contains RMS Record File Addresses (RFA), mimic this structure.
struct file_address {		/* RMS Record File Address */
    unsigned short wrd[3];

struct first_rec {
    unsigned short maj_ver, min_ver;		/* ODS version number */
    char author[24];				/* ascizz */
    char product[36];
    long partcount;				/* number of parts */
     long sectioncount;				/* number of subparts */
    long dircount;				/* maybe */
    long fontcount;				/* Number of fonts? */
    long maxfontid;
    struct file_address lastptr;		/* RFA of last record */
    unsigned short lastsize;			/* Size of last record */
    long docverspage, index_page, index_title,  /* page IDs, 0 means absent*/
	sym_table, font_page, initial_page, copyright;  
    unsigned char title_len;
    char title[128];
    long credate[2];
    char id[33];

struct text_rec {			/* text record. */
    unsigned char type, reclen;
    unsigned short hor, ver;
    unsigned char fontno, x, y;
    char data[246];			/* for type three data is
					 * counted strings separated by
					 * a flags byte (usually escape */
    unsigned char length;
    char text[255]; */

struct last_rec {
    struct { struct file_address rfa; long size; } dir[1];

union bkrdr_rec {
    struct {				/* Generic record format */
    } gen;				/* Generic header */
    char raw[1];
    char reloff[1];			/* For computing addresses given offset*/

   struct first_rec first;		/* type = BKREC_FIRST */

   struct {
	long partno;			/* Part number */
	long unk1;
	long sectcnt;
	long prevpart;			/* page id of previous part */
	long nextpart;			/* Id of next part */
   } body;				/* type = BKREC_BODYPART */

   struct { 
	BKREC_COMMON_HEADER 		/* type = BKREC_INDEX, all subrec */
   } index;

   struct last_rec last;		/* type = BKREC_LAST */

   struct {
	long map[10];			/* Maps section #s to page id */
   } secmap;				/* type = BKREC_SECMAP */

   struct {
	char txt[255];
   } fdesc;

   struct {				/* Font data */
   } font;

    struct {
	short flags;
	long prev, next;
    } cont;				/* type = BKREC_CONT_* */
    * Sub-record types.
   struct { 
	long unknown0;			/* total record size */
	unsigned char keyid;		/* 5=contents, 10=index, 0=other */
	long count;			/* count of entries */
	long part;			/* part number */
	unsigned char tit_len;		/* length of title string */
	char title[255];
    } table;				/* type = BKSBREC_TABLE */

   struct {				/* Font mapping defintion */
	unsigned short fontno;		/* internal number */
	char name[255];			/* Name asciiz */
   } fontdef;				/* type = BKSBREC_FONT */

    struct {
	unsigned short ixhdr[7];
	/* struct text_rec ixtxt; */
    } ixtxt;				/* type = BKSBREC_TABLE */

    struct {
	long bodhdr[1];			/* bodhr[0] unknown */
	long sect_id;			/* section id */
	long bodhdr2[7];
	/* struct text_rec bodtxt;*/ 	/*   varying number */
    } bodytext;				/* type = BKSBREC_BODY */

    struct {
	long unk1, unk2;
	long sect, pos, verpos, len, sect_id, target;
	long unk3;
    } hotspot;

    struct {
	    long unk1, unk2, sect, x, y, w, h, unk3, unk4;
    } extension;		/* extension grayspot on body */

    struct {
	char name[255];		/* no first page */
    } license;

    struct {
	    long unk1, unk2;
	    long sect, x, y, w, h;
	    long picbytes;
	    unsigned char primitive, unk5, unk6, unk7;
    	    unsigned short col, rows;		/* col is fontno for txt */
	    char var_data[1024];
    } figure;

typedef union bkrdr_rec *bkrdr_recptr;
#ifdef __DECC
#pragma member_alignment