$! DCL wrapper procedure for supporting Java classes as WASD scripts.
$! This procedure resides in the same directory as the classes (scripts), so
$! WASD_ROOT:[CGI-BIN] (CGI_BIN:) by default.
$! Works in conjunction with the CGIplus class provided in CGIplus.java
$! May require modification for local site Java environment.
$! Class names must be all lower-case due to way WASD invokes the class file.
$! 02-DEC-2014  MGD  some overdue maintenance
$! 24-NOV-2002  MGD  WASD v8.1 directory restructure
$! 05-MAR-2002  MGD  increasing complexity (JDK 1.3.1)
$! 03-SEP-1998  MGD  changes for JDK 1.1.6 final release
$! 09-DEC-1997  MGD  initial, JDK1.1 beta kit
$!(prepare either Java5 or Java6, depending on what we find installed)
$ jsetup = f$edit(f$search("SYS$MANAGER:JAVA$150_SETUP.COM"),"COLLAPSE")
$ if f$length(jsetup) .eq. 0 then jsetup = f$edit(f$search("SYS$MANAGER:JAVA$60_SETUP.COM"),"COLLAPSE")
$ if f$length(jsetup) .eq. 0
$ then
$    write sys$output "Status: 502"
$    write sys$output "Content-type: text/html"
$    write sys$output ""
$    write sys$output "Neither Java5 or Java6 setups found!"
$    exit
$ endif
$ if f$trnlnm("WASD_JAVA_DBUG") .nes. ""
$ then
$    write sys$output "Content-type: text/plain"
$    write sys$output ""
$    set verify
$    @'jsetup'
$    show symbol *
$    show log /process
$ else
$    define sys$output nl:
$    define sys$error nl:
$    @'jsetup'
$    deassign sys$output
$    deassign sys$error
$ endif
$!(when called from a vanilla CGI environment outputs the Java version)
$ if f$type(WWW_SCRIPT_NAME) .nes. ""
$ then
$    write sys$output "Status: 200"
$    write sys$output "Content-type: text/plain"
$    write sys$output "Script-Control: X-record0-mode=1"
$    write sys$output ""
$    java -version
$    exit
$ endif
$!(include Java class directory in the local class path)
$ if f$trnlnm("JAVA$CLASSPATH") .nes. ""
$ then
$    path = ""
$    count = 0
$    classpath_loop:
$       item = f$trnlnm("JAVA$CLASSPATH",,count)
$       if item .eqs. "" then goto classpath_loop_end
$       if path .nes. "" then path = path + ","
$       path = path + item
$       count = count + 1
$       goto classpath_loop
$    classpath_loop_end:
$    if path .nes. "" then path = path + ","
$    if f$trnlnm("HT_JAVA_ROOT") .nes. ""
$       then path = path + "ht_java_root:[java]"
$       else path = path + "cgi-bin:[000000]"
$    endif
$    define/process/user JAVA$CLASSPATH 'path'
$ else
$    path = f$trnlnm("CLASSPATH")
$    if path .nes. "" then path = path + ":.:"
$    if f$trnlnm("HT_JAVA_ROOT") .nes. ""
$       then path = path + "/ht_java_root/java/"
$       else path = path + "/cgi-bin/"
$    endif
$    define /user CLASSPATH "''path'"
$ endif
$!(extract just the class file name from the full file path)
$ class = f$edit(f$element(0,".",f$element(1,"]",p1)),"lowercase")
$ dcgipluseof = f$trnlnm("CGIPLUSEOF")
$ if dcgipluseof .nes. "" -
     then dcgipluseof = """-Dcgipluseof=" + dcgipluseof + """"
$!(reading from System.in should give the standard CGI HTTP stream)
$ define /user sys$input http$input
$!(ok, here's the Java command)
$ java 'dcgipluseof' 'class'
$!(bit of tidying up)
$ statuslognam = "JAVA$STATUS_" + f$getjpi("","PID")
$ if f$trnlnm(statuslognam) then deassign /job 'statuslognam'