
In HTTP/1.1 header fields are not compressed, the redundant header fields in
these requests unnecessarily consume bandwidth, measurably increasing latency.
HPACK is a compressor that eliminates redundant header fields, limits
vulnerability to known security attacks, and has a bounded memory requirement
for use in constrained environments. 


Note that in section 1.1:

   The format defined in this specification treats a list of header
   fields as an ordered collection of name-value pairs that can include
   duplicate pairs.  *Names* and values are considered to be *opaque
   sequences of octets*, and the order of header fields is preserved
   after being compressed and decompressed.

However value pair names have similar HTTP/1 constraints applied as done by
RequestGet() and RequestFields().

19-DEC-2019  MGD  apply similar HTTP/1 constraints to (value pair) names
                    request header fields by RequestGet() and RequestFields()
16-JUN-2017  MGD  bugfix; HpackHeadersFrame() use ":authority" pseudo-header
                    for "Host:" header according to RFC7540 
06-AUG-2016  MGD  bugfix; HpackHeadersFrame() uncompressed header size 
22-MAY-2016  MGD  bugfix; HpackHeadersFrame() multiple to single cookie header
22-AUG-2015  MGD  initial

#ifdef WASD_VMS_V7
#  undef __VMS_VER
#  define __VMS_VER 70000000
#  undef __CRTL_VER
#  define __CRTL_VER 70000000
#  ifdef WASD_VMS_V7
#     undef _VMS__V6__SOURCE
#     define _VMS__V6__SOURCE
#     undef __VMS_VER
#     define __VMS_VER 70000000
#     undef __CRTL_VER
#     define __CRTL_VER 70000000
#   endif

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

#include "wasd.h"
#include "hpack_huffman_table.h"


/* global storage */

   { NULL, NULL, 0,  0,  0, NULL, NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 10,  0, ":authority", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  7,  3, ":method", "GET" },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  7,  4, ":method", "POST" },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  5,  1, ":path", "/" },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  5, 11, ":path", "/index.html" },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  7,  4, ":scheme", "http" },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  7,  5, ":scheme", "https" },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  7,  3, ":status", "200" },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  7,  3, ":status", "204" },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  7,  3, ":status", "206" },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  7,  3, ":status", "304" },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  7,  3, ":status", "400" },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  7,  3, ":status", "404" },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  7,  3, ":status", "500" },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 14,  0, "accept-charset", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 15, 13, "accept-encoding", "gzip, deflate" },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 15,  0, "accept-language", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 13,  0, "accept-ranges", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  6,  0, "accept", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 27,  0, "accept-control-allow-origin", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  3,  0, "age", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  5,  0, "allow", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 13,  0, "authorization", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 13,  0, "cache-control", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 19,  0, "content-disposition", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 16,  0, "content-encoding", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 16,  0, "content-language", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 14,  0, "content-length", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 16,  0, "content-location", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 13,  0, "content-range", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 12,  0, "content-type", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  6,  0, "cookie", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  4,  0, "date", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  4,  0, "etag", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  6,  0, "expect", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  7,  0, "expires", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  4,  0, "from", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  4,  0, "host", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  8,  0, "if-match", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 17,  0, "if-modified-since", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 13,  0, "if-none-match", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  8,  0, "if-range", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 19,  0, "if-unmodified-since", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 13,  0, "last-modified", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  4,  0, "link", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  8,  0, "location", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 12,  0, "max-forwards", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 18,  0, "proxy-authenticate", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 19,  0, "proxy-authorization", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  5,  0, "range", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  7,  0, "referer", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  7,  0, "refresh", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 11,  0, "retry-after", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  6,  0, "server", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 10,  0, "set-cookie", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 25,  0, "strict-transport-security", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 17,  0, "transfer-encoding", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 10,  0, "user-agent", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  4,  0, "vary", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0,  3,  0, "via", NULL },
   { NULL, NULL, 0, 16,  0, "www-authenticate", NULL }

/* external storage */

extern BOOL  Http2Enabled;

extern uint  Http2MaxHeaderTableSize;

extern int  ToLowerCase[];

extern char  ErrorSanityCheck[];

extern CONFIG_STRUCT  Config;
extern LIST_HEAD  Http2List;
extern WATCH_STRUCT  Watch;

Build a request from the header block.  This involves decoding and
decompressing the various HTTP/2 header elements while reconstructing an
HTTP/1.1 request line and populating the request dictionary with equivalent
header fields.  This is obviously closely integrated with the request structure
and necessarily parallels processing in RequestGet() and RequestFields().

The continuation frame handling is elementary but (probably) sufficient to

If |flags| is -1 then for development purposes provide a module WATCHing report
for a *response* header.

int HpackHeadersFrame
uint flags,
uint ident,
uchar *BlockPtr,
uint BlockLength

   static uint  CookieSize;
   static uchar  *CookiePtr;

   int  nlen, retval, vlen,
        /* equivalent of HTTP/1.1 request header */
   uint  blen, bytes, depend, endhead, endstream,
         index, length, padlen, weight;
   uchar  byte;
   uchar  *bptr, *bzptr, *cptr, *nptr, *sptr, *vptr, *zptr;
   uchar  *AuthorityPtr,
   DICT_ENTRY_STRUCT  *denptr;
   HTTP2_STRUCT  *h2ptr;
   REQUEST_STRUCT  *rqptr;

   uchar  ResponseHeader [2048];

   /* begin */

   h2ptr = tabptr->h2ptr;

   if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
      WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2,
                  "HpackHeadersFrame() 0x!2XL !&X !UL",
                  flags, BlockPtr, BlockLength);

   if (flags == (uint)-1)
      zptr = (sptr = ResponseHeader) + sizeof(ResponseHeader)-1;
#endif /* WATCH_MOD */
      /* locate the request corresponding to the stream (ident) */
      for (s2ptr = LIST_GET_HEAD(&h2ptr->StreamList);
           s2ptr != NULL;
           s2ptr = LIST_GET_NEXT(s2ptr))
         if (s2ptr->Ident == ident) break;

      if (s2ptr == NULL)
         /* no stream (request) found with that ident so create one */
         if ((rqptr = Http2RequestBegin (h2ptr, ident)) == NULL)
            return (-HTTP2_ERROR_REFUSED);
         s2ptr = &rqptr->Http2Stream;
         rqptr = (REQUEST_STRUCT*)s2ptr->RequestPtr;

   bzptr = (bptr = BlockPtr) + BlockLength;
   if (flags == (uint)-1)
      endhead = endstream = depend = padlen = weight = 0;
#endif /* WATCH_MOD */
      /* flags */

      if (flags & HTTP2_FLAG_HEAD_PADDED)
         HTTP2_GET_8 (bptr, padlen)
         padlen = 0;

      if (flags & HTTP2_FLAG_HEAD_PRIORITY)
         HTTP2_GET_32 (bptr, depend)
         HTTP2_GET_8 (bptr, weight)
         depend = weight = 0;

      endhead = (flags & HTTP2_FLAG_HEAD_END_HEAD);

      endstream = (flags & HTTP2_FLAG_HEAD_END_STR);

      if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
         WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2,
                    "endhead:!&B endstream:!&B depend:!UL pad:!UL weight:!UL",
                    endhead, endstream, depend, padlen, weight);

      if ((bptr -= padlen) >= bzptr) return (-HTTP2_ERROR_PROTOCOL);

      /* reset the original parameters against any padding, etc. */
      BlockLength -= bptr - BlockPtr;
      BlockPtr = bptr;

      /* handle continuation frames */
      if (!endhead || s2ptr->ContinPtr)
         /* continuation */

         /* impose a (somewhat ambit) limit on (compressed) header list size */
         if (s2ptr->ContinSize >= h2ptr->ServerMaxHeaderListSize)
            if (WATCHING (rqptr, WATCH_HTTP2))
                WatchThis (WATCHITM(rqptr), WATCH_HTTP2,
                           "HTTP/2 continuation !UL exceeds !UL bytes",
                           s2ptr->ContinSize, h2ptr->ServerMaxHeaderListSize);
            return (-HTTP2_ERROR_PROTOCOL);

         /* buffer this frame content for subsequent processing */
         bytes = s2ptr->ContinSize + BlockLength;
         s2ptr->ContinPtr = VmReallocHeap (rqptr, s2ptr->ContinPtr,
                                           bytes, FI_LI);
         memcpy (s2ptr->ContinPtr + s2ptr->ContinSize, BlockPtr, BlockLength);
         s2ptr->ContinSize = bytes;

         /* if this is not the last of the headers data */
         if (!endhead) return (0);

         /* use the buffered headers data */
         BlockLength = rqptr->Http2Stream.ContinSize;
         BlockPtr = rqptr->Http2Stream.ContinPtr;

   AuthorityPtr = MethodPtr = PathPtr = NULL;
   AuthorityLength = CookieLength = HeaderLength =
      MethodLength = PathLength = 0;
   CompressedLength = BlockLength;
   h2ptr->HpackClientInputCount += BlockLength;
   bzptr = (bptr = BlockPtr) + BlockLength;

   while (bptr < bzptr)
      nptr = vptr = NULL;
      nlen = vlen = 0;
      byte = *bptr;

      if (byte & 0x80)
         /* indexed field (6.1) */

         if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
            WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2, "6.1");

         retval = HpackDecodeInt32 (h2ptr, &bptr, bzptr, 7, &index);
         if (retval < 0) return (retval);
         if (!index) return (-HTTP2_ERROR_PROTOCOL);
         retval = HpackGetIndex (tabptr, index, &nptr, &nlen, &vptr, &vlen);
         if (retval < 0) return (retval);
         if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
            WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2,
                        "index:!UL \"!AZ\" \"!AZ\"", index, nptr, vptr);
      if (((byte & 0xc0) == 0x40) ||
          ((byte & 0xf0) == 0x00) ||
          ((byte & 0xf0) == 0x10))
         /* literal header (6.2) */

         if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
            if ((byte & 0xc0) == 0x40) cptr = "6.2.1"; else
            if ((byte & 0xf0) == 0x00) cptr = "6.2.2"; else cptr = "6.2.3";
            WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2, "!AZ", cptr);

         if ((byte & 0xc0) == 0x40)
            retval = HpackDecodeInt32 (h2ptr, &bptr, bzptr, 6, &index);
            retval = HpackDecodeInt32 (h2ptr, &bptr, bzptr, 4, &index);
         if (retval < 0) return (retval);

         if (index)
            /* non-zero index, value only */
            retval = HpackGetIndex (tabptr, index, &nptr, &nlen, &vptr, &vlen);
            if (retval < 0) return (retval);
            retval = HpackDecodeString (h2ptr, &bptr, bzptr, &vptr, &vlen);
            if (retval < 0) return (retval);
            /* zero index, name then value */
            retval = HpackDecodeString (h2ptr, &bptr, bzptr, &nptr, &nlen);
            if (retval < 0) return (retval);
            retval = HpackDecodeString (h2ptr, &bptr, bzptr, &vptr, &vlen);
            if (retval < 0) return (retval);
         if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
            WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2,
                        "index:!UL \"!AZ\" \"!AZ\"", index, nptr, vptr);

         if ((byte & 0xc0) == 0x40)
            /* similar field name constraints as RequestFields() */
            if (nlen > MAX_REQUEST_FIELD_NAME_LEN)
               if (WATCHING (rqptr, WATCH_HTTP2))
                  WatchThis (WATCHITM(rqptr), WATCH_HTTP2,
                             "FIELD \"!32AZ..\" exceeds !UL bytes",
                             nptr, MAX_REQUEST_FIELD_NAME_LEN);
               FaoToStdout ("!AZ:!UL FIELD \"!32AZ..\" exceeds !UL bytes",
                             FI_LI, nptr, MAX_REQUEST_FIELD_NAME_LEN);
               return (-HTTP2_ERROR_REFUSED);
            zptr = (cptr = nptr) + nlen;
            /* e.g. ":authority" */
            if (*cptr == ':') cptr++;
            while (cptr < zptr && NOTCTL(*cptr) && NOTSEP(*cptr)) cptr++;
            if (cptr < zptr)
               if (WATCHING (rqptr, WATCH_HTTP2))
                   WatchThis (WATCHITM(rqptr), WATCH_HTTP2,
                              "FIELD \"!#AZ\" char \\x!2XL at !UL",
                              nlen, nptr, *cptr, cptr - nptr);
               FaoToStdout ("%HTTPD-W-NOTICED, !20%D, !AZ:!UL, "
                            "FIELD \"!#AZ\" char \\x!2XL at !UL",
                            0, FI_LI, nlen, nptr, *cptr, cptr - nptr);
               return (-HTTP2_ERROR_REFUSED);

            retval = HpackAddToTable (tabptr, nptr, nlen, vptr, vlen);
            if (retval < 0) return (retval);
      if ((byte & 0xe0) == 0x20)
         /* dynamic table update (6.3) */

         if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
            WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2, "6.3");

         retval = HpackDecodeInt32 (h2ptr, &bptr, bzptr, 5, &length);
         if (retval < 0) return (retval);
         if (h2ptr->ClientMaxHeaderTableSize)
            if (length <= h2ptr->ClientMaxHeaderTableSize)
               h2ptr->HpackClientTable.max = length;
               HpackTrimTable (tabptr);
               return (-HTTP2_ERROR_PROTOCOL);
            /* if client hasn't set a maximum then (almost) free-for-all */
            if (length <= HTTP2_MAX_HEAD_TAB_SIZE)
               h2ptr->HpackClientTable.max = length;
               HpackTrimTable (tabptr);
               return (-HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);
         /* hmmm */

         ErrorNoticed (NULL, SS$_BUGCHECK, ErrorSanityCheck, FI_LI);
         return (-HTTP2_ERROR_PROTOCOL);

      /* build request */

      if (nptr && vptr)
         if (flags == (uint)-1 && MATCH7 (nptr, ":status"))
            /* only when WATCHing the response header */
            for (cptr = "HTTP/1.1 "; *cptr && sptr < zptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++);
            for (cptr = vptr; *cptr && sptr < zptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++);
            if (sptr < zptr) *sptr++ = '\r';
            if (sptr < zptr) *sptr++ = '\n';
            *sptr = '\0';
#endif /* WATCH_MOD */
         if (MATCH10 (nptr, ":authority"))
            /* RFC7540 ... analogue to 'Host:" */
            denptr = DictInsert (rqptr->rqDictPtr, DICT_TYPE_INTERNAL,
                                 "request_authority", 17, vptr, vlen);
            AuthorityPtr = DICT_GET_VALUE(denptr);
            AuthorityLength = DICT_GET_VALUE_LEN(denptr);
         if (MATCH7 (nptr, ":method"))
            denptr = DictInsert (rqptr->rqDictPtr, DICT_TYPE_INTERNAL,
                                 "request_method", 14, vptr, vlen);
            MethodPtr = DICT_GET_VALUE(denptr);
            MethodLength = DICT_GET_VALUE_LEN(denptr);
         if (MATCH5 (nptr, ":path"))
            denptr = DictInsert (rqptr->rqDictPtr, DICT_TYPE_INTERNAL,
                                 "request_path", 12, vptr, vlen);
            PathPtr = DICT_GET_VALUE(denptr);
            PathLength = DICT_GET_VALUE_LEN(denptr);
         /* only when WATCHing the response header */
         if (flags != (uint)-1 && MATCH7 (nptr, "cookie"))
         if (MATCH7 (nptr, "cookie"))
            /* RFC7540 multiple HTTP/2 into single HTTP/1.n cookie */
            uchar  *cptr, *sptr, *zptr;
            length = vlen;
            if (CookieLength) length += 2;
            if (CookieLength + length > CookieSize)
               while (CookieLength + length > CookieSize)
                  CookieSize += COOKIE_INCREMENT;
               CookiePtr = VmRealloc (CookiePtr, CookieSize, FI_LI);
            zptr = (sptr = CookiePtr) + CookieSize;
            sptr += CookieLength;
            if (CookieLength)
               /* length += 2; */
               *sptr++ = ';';
               *sptr++ = ' ';
            for (cptr = vptr; *cptr && sptr < zptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++);
            *sptr = '\0';
            CookieLength = sptr - CookiePtr;
         if (*nptr != ':')
            if (flags == (uint)-1)
               /* only when WATCHing the response header */
               for (cptr = nptr; *cptr && sptr < zptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++);
               for (cptr = ": "; *cptr && sptr < zptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++);
               for (cptr = vptr; *cptr && sptr < zptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++);
               if (sptr < zptr) *sptr++ = '\r';
               if (sptr < zptr) *sptr++ = '\n';
               *sptr = '\0';
#endif /* WATCH_MOD */
               DictInsert (rqptr->rqDictPtr, DICT_TYPE_REQUEST,
                           nptr, nlen, vptr, vlen);
               /* RFC7540 section 6.5.2 */
               HeaderLength += nlen + vlen + 32;
               h2ptr->HpackClientOutputCount += nlen + vlen + 4; 

         /* impose the limit on (uncompressed) header list size */
         if (HeaderLength + CookieLength+32 >= h2ptr->ServerMaxHeaderListSize)
            /* RFC7540 section 6.5.2 SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE */
            if (WATCHING (rqptr, WATCH_HTTP2))
               WatchThis (WATCHITM(rqptr), WATCH_HTTP2,
                          "HTTP/2 header !UL exceeds !UL bytes",
                          HeaderLength + CookieLength+32,
            return (-HTTP2_ERROR_PROTOCOL);

   if (CookieLength)
      DictInsert (rqptr->rqDictPtr, DICT_TYPE_REQUEST,
                  "cookie", 6, CookiePtr, CookieLength);
      HeaderLength += CookieLength + 2;
      h2ptr->HpackClientOutputCount += CookieLength + 2;

   if (flags != (uint)-1)
      /* create a request line */
      if (MethodPtr && PathPtr)
         /* reserve space in the dictionary entry then populate */
         bytes = MethodLength + PathLength + 10;
         denptr = DictInsert (rqptr->rqDictPtr, DICT_TYPE_INTERNAL,
                              "request_line", 12, NULL, bytes);
         zptr = (sptr = bptr = DICT_GET_VALUE (denptr)) + bytes;
         rqptr->rqHeader.RequestLinePtr = bptr;
         for (cptr = MethodPtr; *cptr && sptr < zptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++);
         if (sptr < zptr) *sptr++ = ' ';
         for (cptr = PathPtr; *cptr && sptr < zptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++);
         for (cptr = " HTTP/1.1"; *cptr && sptr < zptr; *sptr++ = *cptr++);
         DictValueLength (denptr, sptr - bptr);
         rqptr->rqHeader.RequestLineLength = DICT_GET_VALUE_LEN(denptr);
         h2ptr->HpackClientOutputCount += bytes + 2;
         HeaderLength += bytes + 2;

         /* similar request line constraints as RequestGet() */
         for (cptr = bptr; *cptr && NOTCTL(*cptr); cptr++);
         if (*cptr)
            if (WATCHING (rqptr, WATCH_HTTP2))
                WatchThis (WATCHITM(rqptr), WATCH_HTTP2,
                           "CHAR \\x!2XL at !UL", *cptr, cptr - bptr);
            FaoToStdout ("%HTTPD-W-NOTICED, !20%D, !AZ:!UL, "
                         "CHAR \\x!2XL at !UL",
                         0, FI_LI, *cptr, cptr - bptr);
            return (-HTTP2_ERROR_REFUSED);

         /* HTTP/1.1 mandates a host field */
         if (!DictLookup (rqptr->rqDictPtr, DICT_TYPE_REQUEST, "host", 4))
            /* the request has not supplied an explicit "host" field */
            if (AuthorityPtr)
               /* use the ":authority" pseudo-header RFC7540 */
               DictInsert (rqptr->rqDictPtr, DICT_TYPE_REQUEST, "host", 4,
                           AuthorityPtr, AuthorityLength);
               HeaderLength += AuthorityLength + 6;
               h2ptr->HpackClientOutputCount += AuthorityLength + 6;
               /* fall back to the current virtual host */
               DictInsert (rqptr->rqDictPtr, DICT_TYPE_REQUEST, "host", 4,
               HeaderLength += h2ptr->ServicePtr->ServerHostPortLength + 6;
               h2ptr->HpackClientOutputCount +=
                  h2ptr->ServicePtr->ServerHostPortLength + 6;
         return (-HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);

   /* voila! */

   if (flags != (uint)-1)
      /* as if terminating blank line */
      HeaderLength += 2;

      if (WATCHING (h2ptr, WATCH_HTTP2) &&
                    !WATCHING1S(h2ptr) && !WATCHING2(h2ptr))
         WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_HTTP2,
                    "REQUEST header !UL->!UL !UL%",
                    CompressedLength, HeaderLength,
                    (CompressedLength * 100) / HeaderLength);

      /* keep the accounting representative */
      rqptr->NetIoPtr->BytesRawRx64 += CompressedLength;
      rqptr->NetIoPtr->BytesTallyRx64 += CompressedLength;
      rqptr->BytesRx64 += CompressedLength;

      if (s2ptr->ContinPtr)
         VmFreeFromHeap (rqptr, s2ptr->ContinPtr, FI_LI);
         s2ptr->ContinSize = 0;
         s2ptr->ContinPtr = NULL;

      Http2RequestProcess (rqptr);

   return (0);

Decode a 32 bit, unsigned integer.  Return zero for success, or a negated error
code.  h2o decode_int() function reimagined.

int HpackDecodeInt32
HTTP2_STRUCT *h2ptr,
uchar **baddr,
uchar *bzptr,
uint prebits,
uint *iptr
   uint  mult, premask, preval, value;
   uchar  premax;
   uchar  *bptr;

   /* begin */

   bptr = *baddr;
   if (bptr >= bzptr) return (-HTTP2_ERROR_PROTOCOL);

   premax = (1 << prebits) - 1;
   value = (uint)*bptr++ & premax;
   if (value != premax)
      if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
         WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2,
                     "HpackDecodeInt32() !UL 1", value);
      *iptr = value;
      *baddr = bptr;
      return (0);

   premask = 0x80000000;
   value = preval = premax;
   for (mult = 1;; mult *= 128)
      if (bptr >= bzptr) return (0);
      value += (*bptr & 0x7f) * mult;
      if (!(*bptr++ & 0x80)) break;
      /* detect integer overflow (most significant bit reset) */
      if ((preval & premask) && !(value & premask)) break;
      preval = value;
   if ((preval & premask) && !(value & premask))
      if (WATCHING (h2ptr, WATCH_HTTP2))
         WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_HTTP2, "OVERFLOW integer");
      *iptr = 0;
      *baddr = bptr;
      return (-HTTP2_ERROR_PROTOCOL);

   if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
      WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2,
                  "HpackDecodeInt32() !UL", value);
   *iptr = value;
   *baddr = bptr;
   return (0);

Encode a 32 bit, unsigned integer.  h2o encode_int() function reimagined. 

int HpackEncodeInt32
HTTP2_STRUCT *h2ptr,
uchar **baddr,
uchar *bzptr,
uint prebits,
uint value
   uchar  *bptr;

   /* begin */

   if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
      WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2,
                  "HpackEncodeInt32() !UL !UL", value, prebits);

   bptr = *baddr;
   if (bptr >= bzptr) return (-HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);

   if (value < (1 << prebits) - 1)
      *bptr++ |= value;
      value -= (1 << prebits) - 1;
      *bptr++ |= (1 << prebits) - 1;
      if (bptr >= bzptr) return (-HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);
      for (; value >= 128; value >>= 7) *bptr++ = 0x80 | value;
      *bptr++ = value;
      if (bptr >= bzptr) return (-HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);

   *baddr = bptr;

   return (0);

Decode a header string pointed at by the address at |baddr|.  Return the
number of characters in that string (0..n), or a negated error code.  The
string is located in an internal buffer at the address contained by |raddr|
and must be used in situ or copied to an alternate buffer.

int HpackDecodeString
HTTP2_STRUCT *h2ptr,
uchar **baddr,
uchar *bzptr,
uchar **raddr,
uint **rlenaddr
   static uint  idx, idxcnt;
   static uint  buflen [2];
   static uchar  *bufptr [2];

   BOOL  ishenc;
   int  eos = 1;
   uint  length, retval;
   uchar  state = 0;
   uchar  *bptr, *sptr, *zptr;
   nghttp2_huff_decode  *entry;

   /* begin */

   if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
      WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2,
                  "HpackDecodeString() ishenc:!&B", **baddr & 0x80);

   bptr = *baddr;

   /* is it huffman encoded? */
   ishenc = *bptr & 0x80;

   retval = HpackDecodeInt32 (h2ptr, &bptr, bzptr, 7, &length);
   if (retval < 0) return (retval);

   /* ensure there's enough data available */
   if (bptr + length > bzptr)
      if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
         WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2, "ERROR_PROTOCOL");
      return (-HTTP2_ERROR_PROTOCOL);
   /* maintain two buffers (concurrent name and value) */
   idx = idxcnt++ & 1;
   /* max huffman compression ratio is <= 0.5 */
   if (length * 2 > buflen[idx])
      for (buflen[idx] = 256; buflen[idx] < length * 2; buflen[idx] *= 2);
      if (bufptr[idx]) VmFree (bufptr[idx], FI_LI);
      bufptr[idx] = VmGet (buflen[idx]);

   sptr = bufptr[idx];

   if (ishenc)
      /* h2o decode_huffman() function reimagined */
      for (zptr = bptr + length; bptr < zptr; bptr++)
         /* h2o huffdecode4() function reimagined (and inlined) */
         entry = huff_decode_table[state] + (*bptr >> 4);
         if ((entry->flags & NGHTTP2_HUFF_FAIL) != 0)
            if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
               WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2, "ERROR_PROTOCOL");
            return (-HTTP2_ERROR_PROTOCOL);
         if ((entry->flags & NGHTTP2_HUFF_SYM) != 0) *sptr++ = entry->sym;
         state = entry->state;
         eos = (entry->flags & NGHTTP2_HUFF_ACCEPTED) != 0;
         entry = huff_decode_table[state] + (*bptr & 0xf);
         if ((entry->flags & NGHTTP2_HUFF_FAIL) != 0)
            if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
               WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2, "ERROR_PROTOCOL");
             return (-HTTP2_ERROR_PROTOCOL);
         if ((entry->flags & NGHTTP2_HUFF_SYM) != 0) *sptr++ = entry->sym;
         state = entry->state;
         eos = (entry->flags & NGHTTP2_HUFF_ACCEPTED) != 0;

      if (!eos)
         if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
            WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2, "ERROR_PROTOCOL");
         return (-HTTP2_ERROR_PROTOCOL);
      for (zptr = bptr + length; bptr < zptr; *sptr++ = *bptr++);

   *sptr = '\0';
   *baddr = bptr;
   *raddr = bufptr[idx];
   *rlenaddr = sptr - bufptr[idx];

   if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
      WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2, "!UL->!UL !UL% |!AZ",
                  length, sptr-bufptr[idx],
                  (sptr-bufptr[idx]) ? length * 100 / (sptr-bufptr[idx]) : 0, 

   return (0);

Encode a string.

int HpackEncodeString
HTTP2_STRUCT *h2ptr,
uchar **baddr,
uchar *bzptr,
uchar *sptr,
uint slen

   int  retval;
   uchar  *bptr;

   int  clen;
   uint  bits, remain;
   uchar  *cptr;
   nghttp2_huff_sym  *hsptr;

   /* begin */

   if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
      WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2,
                  "HpackEncodeString() !UL !AZ", slen, sptr);

   bptr = *baddr;
   if (bptr >= bzptr) return (-HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);
   *bptr = 0;


   /* h2o encode_huffman() function reimagined (and inlined) */

   if (slen)
      /* first calculate the length of the encoded string */
      bits = 0;
      remain = 40;
      clen = slen;
      cptr = sptr;
      while (clen)
         hsptr = huff_decode_table + *cptr++;
         bits |= (uint)hsptr->code << (remain - hsptr->nbits);
         remain -= hsptr->nbits;
         while (remain <= 32)
            bits <<= 8;
            remain += 8;
            if (--clen == 0) break;
      if (remain != 40)
         bits |= (1 << remain) - 1;
      clen = bptr - *baddr;

      /* then insert that length as an integer */
      bptr = *baddr;
      retval = HpackEncodeInt32 (h2ptr, baddr, bzptr, 7, clen);
      if (retval < 0) return (retval);
      /* and OR-in the huffman-encoded flag */
      *bptr |= 0x80;

      bptr = *baddr;
      if (bptr >= bzptr) return (-HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);

      /* now actually huffman encode the string */
      bits = 0;
      remain = 40;
      clen = slen;
      cptr = sptr;
      while (clen)
         hsptr = huff_decode_table + *cptr++;
         bits |= (uint)hsptr->code << (remain - hsptr->nbits);
         remain -= hsptr->nbits;
         while (remain <= 32)
            *bptr++ = bits >> 32;
            bits <<= 8;
            remain += 8;
            if (--clen == 0) break;
         if (bptr >= bzptr) return (-HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);
      if (remain != 40)
         bits |= (1 << remain) - 1;
         *bptr++ = bits >> 32;
         if (bptr >= bzptr) return (-HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);
      retval = HpackEncodeInt32 (h2ptr, &bptr, bzptr, 7, slen);
      if (retval < 0) return (retval);

#else /* ENCODE_HUFFMAN */

   retval = HpackEncodeInt32 (h2ptr, &bptr, bzptr, 7, slen);
   if (retval < 0) return (retval);
   while (slen-- && bptr < bzptr) *bptr++ = *sptr++;

#endif /* ENCODE_HUFFMAN */

   if (bptr >= bzptr) return (-HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);
   *baddr = bptr;

   return (0);

Return the length of the value (>=0) if hit, negative error code if lookup
failed.  Name and value pointers are updated if hit, not modified if lookup
failed.  Used by both client (request headers) and server (response headers)
dynamic tables.

int HpackGetIndex
uint index,
uchar **naddr,
uint **nlenaddr,
uchar **vaddr,
uint **vlenaddr
   int  count;
   uchar  *nptr, *vptr;
   HTTP2_STRUCT  *h2ptr;

   /* begin */

   h2ptr = tabptr->h2ptr;

   if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
      WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2,
                  "HpackGetIndex() table:!AZ index:!UL",
                  tabptr == &h2ptr->HpackClientTable ? "CLIENT" : "SERVER",

   if (!index) return (-HTTP2_ERROR_PROTOCOL);

      heptr = &HpackStaticTable[index];
      if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
         HpackWatchTable (tabptr);
      if (heptr = tabptr->head)
         for (count = HPACK_STATIC_TABLE_COUNT + 1;
              heptr && count < index;
            heptr = heptr->blink;

   if (heptr)
      if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
         WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2, "!&Z=!&Z",
                     heptr->name, heptr->value);
      *naddr = heptr->name;
      *nlenaddr = heptr->nlen;
      *vaddr = heptr->value;
      *vlenaddr = heptr->vlen;
      return (0);

   if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))

   return (-HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);

Insert the supplied name/value pair at the head of the dynamic table as
described in RFC7541 section 4.  Used to maintain both client (request headers)
and server (response headers) dynamic tables.

int HpackAddToTable
uchar *nptr,
uint nlen,
uchar *vptr,
uint vlen
   int  size;
   uchar  *sptr;
   HPACK_ENTRY_STRUCT  *blink, *heptr;
   HTTP2_STRUCT  *h2ptr;

   /* begin */

   h2ptr = tabptr->h2ptr;

   if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
      WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2,
                  "HpackAddToTable() table:!AZ !SL|!AZ| !SL|!AZ",
                  tabptr == &h2ptr->HpackClientTable ? "CLIENT" : "SERVER",
                  nlen, nptr, vlen, vptr);
      HpackWatchTable (tabptr);

   if (!nlen) return (-HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);

   /* RFC7541 4.1 specifies 32 bytes plus the two strings */
   size = nlen + vlen + sizeof(HPACK_ENTRY_STRUCT);

   if (size > tabptr->max)
      if (WATCHING (h2ptr, WATCH_HTTP2))
         WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_HTTP2,
                    "entry !UL > !UL bytes", size, tabptr->max);
      return (-HTTP2_ERROR_INTERNAL);

   tabptr->size += size;

   heptr = VmGet2Heap (h2ptr, size);
   heptr->nlen = nlen;
   heptr->vlen = vlen;
   for (heptr->name = sptr = heptr->buffer; nlen--; *sptr++ = *nptr++);
   /* null is accomodated by the |buffer[4]| space */
   *sptr++ = '\0';
   for (heptr->value = sptr; vlen--; *sptr++ = *vptr++);
   /* null is accomodated by the |buffer[4]| space */
   *sptr = '\0';

   /* insert at head of table */
   blink = tabptr->head;
   tabptr->head = heptr;
   if (blink == NULL)
      tabptr->tail = heptr;
      heptr->flink = NULL;
      heptr->blink = blink;
      blink->flink = heptr;

   if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
      HpackWatchTable (tabptr);

   if (tabptr->size > tabptr->max) HpackTrimTable (tabptr);

   return (0);

Find the name and value combination, or simply name, in the static/dynamic
table.  Used to maintain server (response headers) dynamic table.  Baseline the
search of the table at the number of entries before beginning processing the
current set of response headers.  That is, do not use any entries added during 
processing of the current headers!  Return the index number or zero to indicate
not found.

int HpackFindInTable
uchar *nptr,
uint nlen,
uchar *vptr,
uint vlen
   int  index;
   HTTP2_STRUCT  *h2ptr;

   /* begin */

   h2ptr = tabptr->h2ptr;

   if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
      WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2,
                  "HpackFindInTable() table:!AZ !UL|!AZ| !UL|!AZ",
                  tabptr == &h2ptr->HpackClientTable ? "CLIENT" : "SERVER",
                  nlen, nptr, vlen, vptr);

   if (nptr == NULL)
      /* set a baseline before the start of response header processing */
      tabptr->baseline = HPACK_STATIC_TABLE_COUNT + tabptr->count;
      return (0);

   /* search the static table for a corresponding entry */
   for (index = 1; index <= HPACK_STATIC_TABLE_COUNT; index++)
      heptr = &HpackStaticTable[index];
      if (heptr->nlen != nlen) continue;
      if (heptr->vlen != vlen) continue;
      if (!MATCH4 (heptr->name, nptr)) continue;
      if (vptr && heptr->value && !MATCH4 (heptr->value, vptr)) continue;
      if (strcmp (heptr->name, nptr)) continue;
      if (vptr && heptr->value && strcmp (heptr->value, vptr)) continue;
      /* hit it! */

      /* search the dynamic table for a corresponding entry */
      if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
         HpackWatchTable (tabptr);
      for (heptr = tabptr->head; heptr != NULL; index++, heptr = heptr->blink)
         if (index > tabptr->baseline)
            /* limit search to entries made prior to this response */
            heptr = NULL;
         if (heptr->nlen != nlen) continue;
         if (heptr->vlen != vlen) continue;
         if (!MATCH4 (heptr->name, nptr)) continue;
         if (vptr && !MATCH4 (heptr->value, vptr)) continue;
         if (strcmp (heptr->name, nptr)) continue;
         if (vptr && strcmp (heptr->value, vptr)) continue;
         /* finally! */

   if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
      WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2,
                  "index:!UL", heptr ? index : 0);
   if (heptr) return (index);
   return (0);

Beginning at the tail of the dynamic table, trim entries until the size is less
than the table maximum size according to RFC7541 section 4.  Used to maintain
both client (request headers) and server (response headers) dynamic tables.

void HpackTrimTable (HPACK_TABLE_STRUCT *tabptr)

   int  size;
   HPACK_ENTRY_STRUCT  *flink, *heptr;
   HTTP2_STRUCT  *h2ptr;

   /* begin */

   h2ptr = tabptr->h2ptr;

   if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
      WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2,
                  "HpackTrimTable() table:!AZ size:!UL max!UL",
                  tabptr == &h2ptr->HpackClientTable ? "CLIENT" : "SERVER",
                  tabptr->size, tabptr->max);
      HpackWatchTable (tabptr);

   if (tabptr->size <= tabptr->max) return;

   heptr = tabptr->tail;
   while (heptr != NULL)
      if (tabptr->size <= tabptr->max) break;
      size = heptr->nlen + heptr->vlen + sizeof(HPACK_ENTRY_STRUCT);
      flink = heptr->flink;
      VmFreeFrom2Heap (h2ptr, heptr, FI_LI);
      /* if top of list */
      if ((heptr = flink) == NULL) break;
      heptr->blink = NULL;
      tabptr->tail = heptr;
      tabptr->size -= size;
      if (HPACK_STATIC_TABLE_COUNT + tabptr->count < tabptr->baseline)
         tabptr->baseline = HPACK_STATIC_TABLE_COUNT + tabptr->count;
   /* if an empty table (maximum size of zero) */
   if (tabptr->tail == NULL) tabptr->head = NULL;

   if (WATCHMOD (h2ptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
      HpackWatchTable (tabptr);


#ifdef WATCH_MOD

void HpackWatchTable (HPACK_TABLE_STRUCT *tabptr)

   int  count;
   HTTP2_STRUCT  *h2ptr;

   /* begin */

   h2ptr = tabptr->h2ptr;

   WatchThis (WATCHITM(h2ptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2,
"HPACK table:!AZ count:!UL baseline:!UL head:!&X tail:!&X size:!UL max:!UL",
               tabptr == &h2ptr->HpackClientTable ? "CLIENT" : "SERVER",
               tabptr->count, tabptr->baseline, tabptr->head, tabptr->tail,
               tabptr->size, tabptr->max);

   /* need the [x]detail module WATCHing checkbox for the content as well! */

   for (heptr = tabptr->head; heptr; heptr = heptr->blink)
      WatchDataFormatted ("!3ZL this:!&X flink:!&X blink:!&X \
!UL|!AZ| !UL|!AZ|\n",
                          count++, heptr,
                          heptr->flink, heptr->blink,
                          heptr->nlen, heptr->name,
                          heptr->vlen, heptr->value);

#endif /* WATCH_MOD */


void HpackReport
uchar *ConnectNumber
   static char  TableBeginFao [] =
"<style type=\"text/css\">\n\
.datum { margin:0 0.4em 0 1em; font-weight:bold; \
text-decoration:underline; }\n\
.datum:first-of-type { margin:0 0.4em 0 0; }\n\
.hex { font-family:monospace; }\n\
.tbttl { font-size:110%; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline; \
padding-bottom:0.6em; }\n\
<p><table class=\"ctgry\">\n\
<table class=\"lftlft\">\n"

"<tr><td colspan=\"5\"></td>\
<th class=\"tbttl\">!AZ</th></tr>\n\
<td colspan=\"7\" style=\"padding-bottom:0.5em;\">"
"<tr><td colspan=\"3\"></td>\
<th class=\"tbttl\">!AZ</th></tr>\n\
<td colspan=\"4\" style=\"padding-bottom:0.5em;\">"

"<span class=\"datum\">Count:</span>!UL\
<span class=\"datum\">Size:</span>!UL\
<span class=\"datum\">Maximum:</span>!UL\
<span class=\"datum\">Compression:</span>!UL%\

"<th class=\"sbttl\">Entry</th>\
<th class=\"sbttl\">Flink</th>\
<th class=\"sbttl\">Blink</th>"

"<th class=\"sbttl targht\">Hits</th>\
<th class=\"sbttl\">Name</th>\
<th class=\"sbttl\">Value</th>\

   static char  TableEntryFao [] =

"<td class=\"hex\">!&X</td>\
<td class=\"hex\">!&X</td>\
<td class=\"hex\">!&X</td>"

"<td class=\"targht\">!UL</td>\
<td style=\"white-space:normal;\">!AZ</td>\

   static char  TableEndFao [] = "</table>\n</td></tr>\n</table>\n";

   static char  PageEndFao [] =

   static char  NotFoundFao [] =
"<p>HTTP/2 connection !UL not found!!\n\

   int  count, percent, status;
   ulong  FaoVector [32];
   ulong  *vecptr;
   uchar  *cptr;
   HTTP2_STRUCT  *h2ptr;

   /* begin */

   if (WATCHMOD (rqptr, WATCH_MOD_HTTP2))
      WatchThis (WATCHITM(rqptr), WATCH_MOD_HTTP2, "HpackReport() !AZ !&X",
                 ConnectNumber, strtol (ConnectNumber, NULL, 16)); 

   AdminPageTitle (rqptr, "HPACK Report");

   /* find the specified HTTP2 entry */
   count = atol (ConnectNumber);
   for (h2ptr = LIST_GET_HEAD(&Http2List);
        h2ptr != NULL;
        h2ptr = LIST_GET_NEXT(h2ptr))
      if (h2ptr->ConnectNumber == count) break;

   if (h2ptr == NULL)
      FaoToNet (rqptr, NotFoundFao, count);
      AdminEnd (rqptr);

   for (tabptr = NULL;;)
      if (tabptr == NULL)
         tabptr = &h2ptr->HpackClientTable;
         cptr = "Client";
         if (h2ptr->HpackClientOutputCount)
            percent = (h2ptr->HpackClientInputCount * 100) /
            percent = 0;
      if (tabptr == &h2ptr->HpackClientTable)
         tabptr = &h2ptr->HpackServerTable;
         cptr = "Server";
         if (h2ptr->HpackServerInputCount)
            percent = (h2ptr->HpackServerOutputCount * 100) /
            percent = 0;

      vecptr = FaoVector;

      *vecptr++ = cptr;
      *vecptr++ = tabptr->count;
      *vecptr++ = tabptr->size;
      *vecptr++ = tabptr->max;
      *vecptr++ = percent;

      status = FaolToNet (rqptr, TableBeginFao, &FaoVector);
      if (VMSnok (status)) ErrorNoticed (rqptr, status, NULL, FI_LI);

      count = HPACK_STATIC_TABLE_COUNT + 1;
      for (heptr = tabptr->head; heptr != NULL; heptr = heptr->blink)
         vecptr = FaoVector;

         *vecptr++ = count++;
         *vecptr++ = heptr;
         *vecptr++ = heptr->flink;
         *vecptr++ = heptr->blink;
         *vecptr++ = heptr->hits;
         *vecptr++ = heptr->name;
         *vecptr++ = heptr->value;

         status = FaolToNet (rqptr, TableEntryFao, &FaoVector);
         if (VMSnok (status)) ErrorNoticed (rqptr, status, NULL, FI_LI);

      FaolToNet (rqptr, TableEndFao, NULL);

   FaoToNet (rqptr, PageEndFao, AdminRefresh());

   rqptr->rqResponse.PreExpired = PRE_EXPIRE_ADMIN;
   ResponseHeader200 (rqptr, "text/html", NULL);

   AdminEnd (rqptr);
