$! Small script to generate a stream of single bytes (as individual records)
$! for testing/demonstrating the server's ability to coalesce these into 'real'
$! records.  Needs to be placed into [CGI-BIN] and then accessed using
$!  /cgi-bin/singlebytestream                 for empty record terminated lines
$!  /cgi-bin/singlebytestream?lf              for <LF> record terminated lines
$!  /cgi-bin/singlebytestream/file/path[?lf]  to return a specific file
$! 24-JAN-2003  MGD  initial
$ withlf = 0
$ if WWW_QUERY_STRING .nes. "" then withlf = 1
$ fileName = f$environment("procedure")
$ if f$search(fileName) .eqs. ""
$ then
$    write sys$output "Status: 404"
$    write sys$output ""
$    write sys$output "File ''fileName' not found!"
$    exit
$ endif
$ fileType = f$parse(fileName,,,"type")
$ contentType = "application/octet-stream"
$ if fileType .eqs. ".COM" then contentType = "text/plain"
$ if fileType .eqs. ".GIF" then contentType = "image/gif"
$ if fileType .eqs. ".HTML" then contentType = "text/plain"
$ if fileType .eqs. ".TXT" then contentType = "text/plain"
$ line = "Content-Type: " + contentType 
$ call bout line withlf
$ line = ""
$ call bout line withlf
$ open /read /error=cleanup file 'fileName'
$ readLoop:
$    read /error=readLoopEnd /end=readLoopEnd file line
$    call bout line withlf
$    goto readLoop
$ readLoopEnd:
$ cleanup:
$ close file
$ exit
$!(output the string from the symbol named in P1 one byte/character at a time)
$ bout: subroutine
$ lf[0,8] = 10
$ length = f$length('p1')
$ count = 0
$ byteLoop:
$    if count .eq. length
$    then
$!      (terminate the record)
$       if 'p2'
$          then write sys$output lf
$          else write sys$output ""
$       endif
$       exit
$    endif
$    write sys$output f$extract(count,1,'p1')
$    count = count + 1
$    goto byteLoop
$ endsubroutine