$! This procedure provides for the startup and execution of the HTTP server.
$! It is designed to support a single server process on a single node, single
$! server processes on separate nodes within a cluster, and multiple server
$! processes within a single node, and of course, a combination of the latter
$! two.  Modification is only necessary if any one server will be supporting
$! a service or services different to any other within a cluster or single
$! system.  If multiple nodes within a cluster provide the same service(s)
$! modification is not required.  For supporting multiple server processes on
$! the one system some modification is required.
$! *****************************
$! To create a site-specific server process startup file copy this to
$! STARTUP_SERVER_LOCAL.COM in the same directory.  Make modifications to that
$! version, not to the original.
$! To create node/port-specific server process startup file copy this to
$! STARTUP_SERVER_node_port.COM or STARTUP_SERVER_node.COM depending if the
$! granularity is required down to port level or just node level.
$! The STARTUP.COM procedure, when executing on any one node, searches for
$! these files, executing the appropriate one when creating and maintaining
$! the detached server process.
$! Ensure the HTTP$SERVER account has R+E permission to any such procedures!
$! Also remember these procedures are executed in the HTTP$SERVER unprivileged
$! account context and so can only be used for job-level purposes, etc.
$! Parameters to be passed to the HTTPD executable may be delivered by creating
$! a logical beginning "WASD_" (pre-v10.0, "HTTPD$") and then continued with
$! the procedure's name, i.e. "HTTPD$STARTUP_SERVER_node_port". 
$! If the parameters are not hard-wired this logical will be translated with
$! each server startup and the value used as the executable's command line.
$! A system-level logical is best defined in the STARTUP_LOCAL.COM procedure.
$! A job-level logical is best defined in STARTUP_SERVER_LOCAL.COM procedure.
$! Copyright (C) 1996-2021 Mark G.Daniel.
$! Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
$! you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
$! You may obtain a copy of the License at
$!    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
$! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
$! distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
$! See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
$! limitations under the License.
$! ---------------
$! 06-OCT-2017  MGD  set process/dump (happy 93rd birthday Dad)
$! 11-JUL-2009  MGD  v10 and pre-v10 logical names
$!                   WASD autonomous environments
$! 19-JUL-2003  MGD  network mode server process
$! 15-OCT-2002  MGD  reset error count after HTTPd SUCCESS exit
$! 25-JUL-2001  MGD  'STATUS=$STATUS' suggested by didier.morandi@gmx.ch
$! 25-SEP-2000  MGD  allow for STARTUP_SERVER_LOCAL.COM
$! 01-NOV-1998  MGD  initial, v5.3
$! set verify
$ set noon
$ ss$_duplnam = 148
$ httpd_parameters = ""
$ procedure = f$environment("procedure")
$ procedure_name = f$parse(procedure,,,"name")
$ logfile = procedure_name - "startup_server_" - "startup_server"
$ if logfile .eqs. "" then logfile = f$edit(f$getsyi("nodename"),"collapse")
$ logfile = "WASD_SERVER_LOGS:" + logfile + ".LOG"
$!(retrieve any parameters from the server startup logical name)
$ logical_name = "WASD_" + procedure_name
$ pre10_logical_name = "HTTPD$" + procedure_name
$ if f$trnlnm(logical_name) .eqs. "" .and. -
     f$trnlnm(pre10_logical_name) .nes. "" then -
        logical_name = pre10_logical_name
$ logical_params = f$trnlnm(logical_name)
$!(env number is necessary to set up the correct WASD_TABLE into LNM$FILE_DEV)
$ prcnam = f$edit(f$getjpi("","prcnam"),"collapse")
$ wasd_env = f$integer(f$extract(0,2,prcnam))
$ if wasd_env .eq. 0 then wasd_env = f$integer(f$extract(0,1,prcnam))
$ if wasd_env .gt. 15
$ then
$    write sys$output "%STARTUP_SERVER-E-ENV, number out-of-range"
$    exit %X10000014
$ endif
$ if wasd_env .eq. 1 then wasd_env = 0
$!(set up process' LNM$_FILE_DEV for v10.0 and later)
$ wasd_file_dev = "WASD_FILE_DEV"
$ if wasd_env .ge. 2 then -
     wasd_file_dev = wasd_file_dev + "_" + f$string(wasd_env)
$ if f$trnlnm(wasd_file_dev) .nes. ""
$ then
$    if wasd_env .ge. 2
$       then @'wasd_file_dev' 'wasd_env'
$       else @'wasd_file_dev'
$    endif
$ endif
$ if f$mode() .eqs. "BATCH" then goto mode_batch
$ if f$mode() .eqs. "OTHER" then goto mode_other_network
$ if f$mode() .eqs. "NETWORK"
$ then
$    purge /nolog /keep=3 SYS$LOGIN:STARTUP_SERVER.LOG
$    open /write /share=write sys_net SYS$NET
$    define sys$output sys_net
$    goto mode_other_network
$ endif
$ exit
$ mode_batch:
$ purge /keep=3 'logfile'
$ run SYS$SYSTEM:LOGINOUT /input='procedure' /output='logfile' -
                          /detached /authorize
$ exit
$ mode_other_network:
$ if f$trnlnm("WASD_HTTPD_EXE") .nes. ""
$    then httpd = "$WASD_HTTPD_EXE"
$    else httpd = "$HTTPD$EXE"
$ endif
$ error_count = 0
$ httpd_loop:
$    params = httpd_parameters
$    if params .eqs. ""
$    then
$       logical_params = f$trnlnm(logical_name)
$!      (ensure enough quotes for command-line substitution)
$       params = f$element(0,"""",logical_params)
$       count = 1
$       quote_loop:
$          part = f$element(count,"""",logical_params)
$          if part .eqs. """" then goto end_quote_loop
$          params = params + """" + part
$          count = count + 1
$          goto quote_loop
$       end_quote_loop:
$    endif
$    if wasd_env .ge. 2 then params = params + "/ENV=" + f$string(wasd_env)
$    set process /dump
$    set verify
$ httpd /priority=4 'params'
$!   'f$verify(0)
$!   (non-error exit, must be a restart, loop immediately)
$    status = $status
$    if status
$    then
$       error_count = 0
$       goto httpd_loop
$    endif
$    if status .eq. ss$_duplnam then exit
$    error_count = error_count + 1
$    if error_count .lt. 120
$       then wait 00:00:15
$       else wait 00:15:00
$    endif
$    goto httpd_loop
$ exit