<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--## WASD SSI error report document, example 5 (WASD V7.0ff layout)-->
<!--##trace on -->
<!--##printenv -->

<title>ERROR <!--#"{ERROR_STATUS_CODE}"--> <!--#"{ERROR_STATUS_TEXT}"--></title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<font color="#0000cc" size="+2">
<b>ERROR <!--#"{ERROR_STATUS_CODE}"--></b>
<font size="+1">

********** 100s, 200s, 300s **********

<!--#if var={ERROR_STATUS_CLASS} eqs=1 -->
<!--#orif var={ERROR_STATUS_CLASS} eqs=2 -->
<!--#orif var={ERROR_STATUS_CLASS} eqs=3 -->
<p><b>The server should not report a
<!--#"{ERROR_STATUS_CLASS}-->xx status code!</b>
<p>Please report this to the site administrator using the host link below.
<br>Quote the above message along with &quot;module <!--#"{ERROR_MODULE}"-->
line <!--#"{ERROR_LINE}"-->&quot;. Thankyou.
<!--#stop -->

********** 400s **********

<!--#elif var={ERROR_STATUS_CODE} eqs=400 -->
The server could not understand the request.
<!--#elif var={ERROR_STATUS_CODE} eqs=401 -->
This object requires authorization before access can be provided.
<br>You are denied access, or you failed to supply correct credentials.
<!--#elif var={ERROR_STATUS_CODE} eqs=403 -->
You are forbidden access to this object.
<!--#elif var={ERROR_STATUS_CODE} eqs=404 -->
The requested object could not be found.
<!--#elif var={ERROR_STATUS_CODE} eqs=409 -->
A resource conflict prevent request processing.

********** 500s **********

<!--#elif var={ERROR_STATUS_CODE} eqs=500 -->
Your request could not be processed.
An internal server error was detected.
<!--#elif var={ERROR_STATUS_CODE} eqs=501 -->
The server cannot process this request.
It does not support the required functionality.
<!--#elif var={ERROR_STATUS_CODE} eqs=502 -->
Gateway (scripting) failure.</b>
<!--#elif var={ERROR_STATUS_CODE} eqs=503 -->
The server cannot currently process your request.  Try again later.

********** unknown **********

<!--#else -->
<b>Unknown status code ... <!--#"{ERROR_STATUS_CODE}"--></b>
<!--#endif -->

********** further information **********

<!--## the site administrator might want the detail of the error -->
<!--#if var={REMOTE_HOST} srch={SITE_ADMIN_HOST} -->
<!--#endif -->
<p>Further information on error
<a href="/httpd/-/status<!--#"{error_status_class}"-->xx.html"><!--#"{ERROR_STATUS_CODE}"--></a>
<p>If you feel this requires attention please contact
the site administrator using the host link below.
<p><hr size="2" width="85%" align="left" noshade>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td><img src="/ht_root/wasdhttpdsm.gif"></td>
<td valign="middle"><!--#"{SERVER_SIGNATURE}" --></td>