1 SHOW There are several SHOW subcommands. Select the one you want from the choices below. 2 ENVIRONMENT Displays the target nodes or cluster where SYSMAN is executing commands. Format SHOW ENVIRONMENT 3 Description The SHOW ENVIRONMENT command displays the current management environment. It can be the local cluster, local or remote nodes, or a nonlocal cluster. SYSMAN indicates if the environment is limited to individual nodes or if it is clusterwide. It also shows the current user name. The environment exists until you exit from SYSMAN or enter another SET ENVIRONMENT command. 3 Examples 1.SYSMAN> SHOW ENVIRONMENT %SYSMAN-I-ENV, Current command environment: Clusterwide on local cluster Username ALEXIS will be used on nonlocal nodes This command shows the current environment is the local cluster. User name ALEXIS will be used on other nodes in the cluster. 2.SYSMAN> SHOW ENVIRONMENT %SYSMAN-I-ENV, Current command environment: Clusterwide on remote cluster NODE21 Username ALEXIS will be used on nonlocal nodes This command shows that the command environment is a nonlocal cluster where NODE21 is a member. 3.SYSMAN> SHOW ENVIRONMENT %SYSMAN-I-ENV, Current command environment: Individual nodes: NODE22,NODE23 At least one node is not in local cluster Username ALEXIS will be used on nonlocal nodes This command shows that the command environment consists of two nodes. 2 KEY Displays key definitions created with the DEFINE/KEY command. Format SHOW KEY [key-name] 3 Parameter key-name Specifies the name of the key whose definition you want displayed. See the DEFINE/KEY command for a list of valid key names. 3 Qualifiers /ALL Displays all the key definitions in the specified state or states. Specifying a key name is not necessary. /BRIEF Displays only the key definition. By default, the system displays all the qualifiers associated with the key definition, including any specified state, unless you use the /BRIEF qualifier. /DIRECTORY Displays the names of all the states for which you have defined keys. If you have not defined keys, the SHOW KEY/DIRECTORY command displays the DEFAULT and GOLD states (which is the default SYSMAN keypad). /STATE /STATE=(state, state...) Specifies the name of a state for which the specified key definitions are to be displayed. If you select more than one state name, separate them with commas and enclose the list in parentheses. 3 Description Specifies the name of the key whose definition you want displayed. See the DEFINE/KEY command for a list of valid key names. 3 Example SYSMAN> SHOW KEY/ALL DEFAULT keypad definitions: KP0 = "SHOW ENVIRONMENT" (echo) KP1 = "SHOW PROFILE" (echo) SYSMAN> This command displays all the key definitions currently in effect. 2 PROFILE Displays the privileges and the default device and directory being used in the current environment. Format SHOW PROFILE 3 Qualifiers /DEFAULT Displays the default disk device and directory name that the system uses in this environment to locate and catalog files. /PRIVILEGES Displays only the privileges in effect for the current environment. 3 Description The SHOW PROFILE command displays the privileges and the default device and directory that is being used in the current environment. You can modify these attributes with the SET PROFILE command. These values remain in effect until you change environments or enter another SET PROFILE command. 3 Example SYSMAN> SHOW PROFILE %SYSMAN-I-DEFDIR, Default directory on node NODE21 -- WORK1:[BERGERON] %SYSMAN-I-DEFPRIV, Process privileges on node NODE21 -- TMPMGX OPER NETMBX SYSPRV This command shows the default device and directory as well as current privileges. 2 TIMEOUT Displays the amount of time SYSMAN waits for a node to respond. By default, there is no timeout period. Format SHOW TIMEOUT 3 Example SYSMAN> SHOW TIMEOUT %SYSMAN-I-TIMEVAL, timeout value is 00:00:04.00 This command displays the current timeout value, which is 4 seconds.