1 SHOW Allows you to display the communication characteristics for a specific terminal. Format SHOW device-name[:] 2 Parameter device-name[:] Supplies the name of the device whose characteristics are to be displayed. The device name has the form ddcu where dd is the device code, c is the controller designation, and u is the unit number. LAN devices are specified as the name of the device that is unit 0. For example, the first terminal device on a LAN is specified as TTA0, the second as TTB0. 2 Qualifiers /ADDRESS_COMPRESSION Indicates whether the address compression is on or off. /ALL /ALL[=BRIEF] (default) /ALL[=LONG] Displays all the current device and communication settings. BRIEF formats the output for the screen. LONG displays each setting on a separate line. /COUNTERS /COUNTERS=(keyword,...) Shows the current values for the specified counter(s). You can specify one or more of the following keywords with this qualifier: Keyword Description ALL Displays all counters. BAD_FCS_PACKETS Displays the count of packets with bad frame check sequence (FCS). DATA_LOST Displays the count of lost characters that were reported by hardware. DROPPED_ Displays the count of all characters thrown CHARACTERS away. FRAMING_ERRORS Displays the count of characters with framing errors. LONG_PACKETS Displays the count of packets longer than the current maximum receive unit setting (MRU). RECEIVED_ Displays the count of total packets received. PACKETS RUNT_PACKETS Displays the count of packets with too few characters. TOTAL_ Displays the count of all characters received. CHARACTERS TRANSMITTED_ Displays the count of total packets transmitted. PACKETS /ECHO /ECHO=(FAILURE=value, INTERVAL=value) Specifies the number of Link Control Protocol (LCP) echo requests and the interval (in milliseconds) between requests that must be sent without response before the line is considered down. /FCS_SIZE Shows the current receive and transmit FCS size in bits. /FLOW_CONTROL /FLOW_CONTROL=(keyword,...) Shows the current flow control setting used over the asynchronous physical link. You can specify one of the following keywords with this qualifier: Keyword Description HARDWARE Uses RTS/CTS flow control. If using this control, the transmit Asynch Control Character Map (ACCM) can be 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x60000000. Only valid for lines set to /MODEM or /COMMSYNCH. XON_XOFF Uses band flow control. If using this control, the (de- optimal transmit ACCM is 0xA0000, 0x0, 0x0, 0x60000000. fault) Only valid for asynchronous lines. /HANGUP Displays the action that occurs when a session is terminated. /MAGIC_NUMBER_RETRIES Shows the number of attempts that are made to negotiate a magic number. /MAXCONFIGURE Shows the number of configure-request packets sent without acknowledgment before assuming that the peer is not responding. /MAXFAILURE Displays the number of configure-nak packets sent before sending a configure-ack and before assuming that the configuration is not converging. /MAXTERMINATE Shows the number of terminate-request packets sent without acknowledgment before assuming the peer is unable to respond. /MRU Displays the largest packet that the line can receive. /MTU Displays the largest packet that the line can transmit. /NETWORK_PROTOCOL Displays the current network protocol(s) allowed over the physical link. /PASSIVE Indicates whether this is a passive or active line. /PERMANENT Indicates whether this is a permanent or transient (nonpermanent) line. /PROTOCOL_COMPRESSION Shows the status of protocol field compression. /RECEIVE_ACCM Displays the value of the current receive ACCM for asynchronous ports. /RESTART_TIMER Displays the interval used to time transmission of request packets. /SPEED Indicates the current input and output speeds of the line. /TRANSMIT_ACCM Displays the value of the current transmit ACCM for asynchronous ports.