1 Directory_Module This is the Enterprise Directory help module. It contains help for the DSA entity. A Directory System Agent (DSA) is a component of HP's Enterprise Directory product. It is responsible for holding directory information and satisfying user requests for directory information. The DSA entity represents the X.500 DSA on a given system, and enables you to manage that DSA. You use the entity to turn the DSA on and off, to enable it to receive and make connections to and from other X.500 components. You also use the entity to configure the DSA to perform its intended role as part of your Enterprise Directory. 2 DSA A DSA entity enables you to manage a DSA for a given node. A DSA entity must be created and enabled before it can receive connections from directory applications or other DSAs. There is only one DSA entity per node. A DSA entity has four subentities, illustrated below: DSA entity | +--------------+-------+------+--------------+ | | | | Naming Subordinate Superior Accessor Context Reference Reference entity entity entity entity 3 Accessor An Accessor entity can be used to represent a user of the DSA such that the DSA can verify the user's identity when they attempt to connect. Normally, a DSA verifies the identity of a directory user by reference to directory information. However, an Accessor entity provides a way of giving a DSA information about a user without having to represent that user in the directory. This might be useful in some problem solving situations. However, it is not the recommended way to represent users of the DSA. Note that the Accessor entity is a volatile entity. If you delete the DSA entity for a given system, then all Accessor entities for that system are deleted permanently. Note also that an Accessor entity only permits a user to identify themselves to this DSA. If the user wants identify themselves to another DSA, then that DSA also needs an Accessor entity. 4 Characteristics An Accessor entity has only one characteristic attribute: Password. You can use the SET directive on this attribute. Syntax: SET DSA ACCESSOR PASSWORD where is the name of the user whose password you want to set a new value, and is the new value for the password. Specify the password as a Latin1 string. There is no default value. The name and the password must both be quoted. The password is a case sensitive attribute. 4 Directives You can use the CREATE, DELETE, SET and SHOW directives with the Accessor entity. The CREATE and DELETE directives are used to create and delete an Accessor entity. The SET and SHOW directives are used to set and show attributes, respectively. 5 CREATE Use this directive to create an Accessor entity of the specified name. Syntax: CREATE DSA ACCESSOR PASSWORD You must quote the name and password. For example: > CREATE DSA ACCESSOR "/C=US/O=Abacus/CN=Manager" PASSWORD "mumble" 6 Arguments The CREATE directive has an identifier and one argument. The argument is mandatory. The argument is: - PASSWORD The identifier specifies the name of a directory user. This is in the form of a distinguished name or AE title. The PASSWORD argument identifies the password for the user. Specify this argument in the following format: PASSWORD where is the password is a Latin1 string of between 1 and 128 characters long. The password value must be quoted. 6 Errors The CREATE directive can return one of the following errors: REASON: Wrong State DESCRIPTION: The DSA entity is not in the correct state. This means that the DSA is in one of the transitional states UPDATING, CREATING, ENABLING, or DISABLING. The DSA must be in state ON or OFF when you create an Accessor entity. The response indicates what state the DSA is in. REASON: Already Exists DESCRIPTION: This Accessor entity already exists. This means that the name you specified is already the name of an Accessor entity. REASON: Invalid Name DESCRIPTION: The entity name is not a valid directory name. This means that the name you specified is not in the distinguished name format. The response displays the invalid name component. 5 DELETE Use this directive to delete an Accessor entity. Syntax: DELETE DSA ACCESSOR 6 Errors The DELETE directive can return the following error: REASON: Wrong State DESCRIPTION: The DSA entity is not in the correct state. This means that the DSA is in one of the transitional states UPDATING, CREATING, ENABLING, or DISABLING. The DSA must be in state ON or OFF when you delete an Accessor entity. The response indicates what state the DSA is in. 5 Examples > CREATE DSA ACCESSOR "/C=US/O=Abacus/CN=Jon Smith" - _> PASSWORD "mumble" > SHOW DSA ACCESSOR "/C=US/O=Abacus/CN=Jon Smith" The first command creates an Accessor entity and the second command displays it. Note you cannot use the SHOW directive to display the Password attribute of an Accessor entity, because it is a read-only attribute. > DELETE DSA ACCESSOR "/C=US/O=Abacus/CN=Jon Smith" This command deletes the Accessor entity. 5 SET Use the SET directive to change the value of the Accessor Password attribute. Syntax: SET DSA ACCESSOR PASSWORD where is the value you want to set for the Password attribute. The value must be quoted. 5 SHOW Use the SHOW directive to display an Accessor entity. The Password characteristic attribute is not displayed. Syntax: SHOW DSA ACCESSOR You can also use the wildcard "*" in a SHOW directive, to display a list of all Accessor entities, for example: SHOW DSA ACCESSOR * 4 Identifier Each Accessor entity is uniquely identified by a name. This is the name of the user that you want to give access to the DSA, and must be in same format as a distinguished name or an AE title. For example, "/C=US/O=Abacus/CN=Jon Smith". Refer to DSA Common_Datatypes for more information on how to specify an AE title. Refer to the CREATE directive for more information on how to create an Accessor entity. 3 Common_Datatypes Many of the management directives of the DSA entity and its subentities require you to specify AE titles, distinguished names, and presentation addresses. The syntaxes of these commonly used datatypes are described in the subtopics listed below. 4 AE_Title An AE title is a unique name used in many management directives of the Directory Module to identify a DSA. The syntax for AE titles supported by the management directives of the Directory Module is the same as the distinguished name syntax supported by HP's X.500 Information Manager (DXIM). For example: AE Title = "/C=US/O=Abacus/OU=Sales/CN=dsa" Note that the AE title is quoted. Refer to Distinguished_Name for more information on how to specify an AE title or distinguished name in a management directive. 4 Distinguished_Name A distinguished name uniquely identifies a directory user. The syntax of a distinguished name is exactly the same as the syntax of an AE title. A distinguished name is a sequence of one or more relative distinguished names (RDNs) each preceded by a / character. Each RDN is a sequence of one or more attribute value statements, such as commonName=John. Usually an RDN contains only one attribute value statement, but it is possible to specify a sequence of attribute value statements separated by commas, for example: commonName=John,organizationalUnitName=Sales Many of the attribute types, such as commonName and organizationalUnitName, can be abbreviated. For example, the commonName can be abbreviated to cn, and organizationalUnitName can be abbreviated to ou. In management directives, a distinguished name (or AE title) must always be enclosed in quotation marks, for example: Distinguished Name = "/C=US/O=Abacus" Values in a distinguished name can include commas, equals signs, and backslash characters, in which case the value must be quoted. For example, commonName='Smith,' The following is an example of a distinguished name that has three RDNs, the last of which is quoted because it contains an equals character: Distinguished Name = "/C=US/O=Abacus/CN='sales=toys'" Note the use of two types of quotation mark, "..." to enclose the entire distinguished name, and '...' to enclose the value sales=toys, which contains an equals sign. 4 Presentation_Address The PresentationAddress datatype defines the format that should be used for all presentation addresses in OSI applications. It is also the format in which presentation addresses are displayed by OSI network management. This datatype is a Latin1 string. Its values must conform to the following syntax (shown in BNF). This syntax is an extension of the Internet standard for representing OSI presentation addresses. Note that the numbers 1 to 12 shown to the right of this syntax description are not part of the syntax. They refer to explanations which are provided at the end of this syntax description. ::= [[[ "/" ] "/" ] "/" ] ::= ::= ::= ::= '"' '"' 1 | "#" 2 | "'" "'H" | "" ::= [ "|" ] | ::= ["," ] ::= "CLNS" | "CONS" | "RFC1006" 3 ::= "NS" "+" 4 | "+" ["+" ] | "+" 5 | RFC1006 "+" ["+" ] 6 ::= ::= "d" 7 | "x" 8 | "l" 9 | "RFC1006" "+" "+" ["+" ["+" ]] | "X.25(80)" "+" "+" [ "+" "+" ] | "ECMA-117-Binary" "+" "+" "+" | "ECMA-117-Decimal" "+" "+" "+" ::= ::= "X121" | "DCC" | "TELEX" | "PSTN" | "ISDN" | "ICD" | "LOCAL" ::= ::= 10 ::= 11 ::= "TCP" | "IP" | 12 ::= ::= "CUDF" | "PID" ::= | | ::= [0-9] ::= | ::= [0-9a-zA-Z-.] ::= | ::= "." | "." ::= | :: ::= [0-9a-fA-F] ::= ::= | ::= [0-9a-zA-Z+-.] ::= | 1 Value restricted to printed characters 2 US GOSIP requirement 3 Network type identifier (the default is CLNS) 4 Concrete binary representation of network (NSAP) address value 5 ISO 8348 compatibility 6 RFC 1006 preferred format 7 Abstract decimal format for domain specific part (DSP) 8 Abstract binary for DSP 9 Printable character format for DSP (for local use only) 10 Dotted decimal notation (e.g. or domain name (e.g. twg.com) 11 TCP port number (the default is 102) 12 Internet transport protocol identifier (1 = TCP and 2 = UDP) Keywords can be specified in either upper case or lower case. However, selector values are case sensitive. Spaces are significant. 5 Examples The following examples illustrate the syntax of presentation addresses. Note that some types of presentation address are applicable only to specific operating systems. When specifying a presentation address in a management directive, always enclose it in '' quotation marks. Note that the easiest way to set a DSA's presentation address is to use the DSA configuration procedure. 1. "DSA"/"DSA"/"DSA"/NS+490001aa000400d90621,CLNS This is a typical presentation address for an HP DSA. In a management command, this must be quoted, as follows: '"DSA"/"DSA"/"DSA"/NS+490001aa000400d90621,CLNS' 2. "my_psel"/"my_ssel"/"my_tsel"/LOCAL++x0001aa000400d90621 "my_psel"/"my_ssel"/"my_tsel"/NS+490001aa000400d90621,CLNS These examples both specify the same presentation address. The first example uses the LOCAL authority and format identifier (AFI), which does not have an initial domain identifier (IDI). The two plus signs (++) indicate that the IDI is missing. By default, the network type is CLNS. The second example uses the value of the LOCAL AFI, which is 49. 3. "256"/NS+a433bb93c1,CLNS|NS+aa3106,CONS This is a presentation address which has a transport selector, (no presentation or session selector), and two network addresses. The first network address is CLNS (for a connectionless network) and the second is CONS (for a connection-oriented network). These network addresses are specified in concrete binary form. This form can be used only when the concrete binary representation of the network address is known. 4. #63/#41/#12/X121+234219200300,CONS This presentation address has presentation, session and transport selectors, and a single network address which consists of an AFI (X121) and an IDI (234219200300). There is no domain specific part. 5. '3a'H/TELEX+00728722+X.25(80)+02+00002340555+CUDF+"892796" This is an network address for X.25. Note that, because CONS is not specified, the network type defaults to CLNS. 6. RFC1006+,RFC1006 This is an RFC1006 address. The address is not an ISO network address but the combination of an IP address and a TCP port number, which is 519 in this example. The IP address can be specified as either a DNS domain name or an IP address. For an RFC1006 address, the network type can be omitted. 3 Characteristics Each DSA characteristic attribute is listed below. You can assign values (using the SET directive) to all of these attributes except for the Version attribute. You can display the current value of all of the attributes using the SHOW directive. Syntax: SET DSA [, ...] SHOW DSA [, ...] where is the attribute name and is the value. You can specify more than one attribute in a single directive by separating the attributes with a comma. For example: SET DSA AE TITLE="/C=US/CN=DSA3", PASSWORD="mumble" SHOW DSA AE TITLE, PASSWORD You can use the ALL CHARACTERISTICS keywords in a SHOW directive, for example: SHOW DSA ALL CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic attributes can be reset to their default values by specifying the characteristic attribute without a value in a SET directive. For example, the following command resets the DSA AE Title attribute to its default value (no value): SET DSA AE TITLE 4 Accounting_Facility The Accounting Facility characteristic attribute controls whether the accounting facility is enabled on a DSA. (Note that previous versions of the DSA used an Accounting State attribute. The Accounting State attribute has been withdrawn.) Syntax: SET DSA ACCOUNTING FACILITY SHOW DSA ACCOUNTING FACILITY When you enable the accounting facility, the DSA generates the Accounting Enabled event. If the accounting facility cannot be started, the DSA generates the Accounting Start Failure event. When you disable the accounting facility, the DSA generates the Accounting Disabled event. The setting of this attribute is maintained when you disable and re-enable the DSA, and also when you delete and recreate the DSA. 4 Accounting_Options The Accounting Options characteristic attribute controls the amount of information included in Operation records in the accounting file. If this attribute is not set, the DSA provides a summary of user requests. The information included in Operation records is described in HP Enterprise Directory - Problem Solving. If you set this attribute, in addition to summary information, the DSA can include the protocol data unit (PDU) of the user request and/or the error returned to the user if the operation is not successful. The error PDU and request PDU are described in ITU-T Recommendation X.511. You can set the attribute such that the DSA includes either the PDU of a successful user request, the PDU of an error returned in response to a user request, both, or neither. Syntax: SET DSA ACCOUNTING OPTIONS {REQUESTPDU} SET DSA ACCOUNTING OPTIONS {ERRORPDU} SET DSA ACCOUNTING OPTIONS {REQUESTPDU, ERRORPDU} SET DSA ACCOUNTING OPTIONS {} SHOW DSA ACCOUNTING OPTIONS To stop the DSA including either the request PDU or the error PDU in Operation records, enter the following command: > SET DSA ACCOUNTING_OPTIONS {} This attribute has no effect if the Accounting Facility status attribute is set to OFF. 4 Accounting_Rollover_Interval The Accounting Rollover Interval characteristic attribute controls how often the DSA closes the current accounting file and creates a new one, that is, rolls over the accounting file. The interval uses the accounting rollover start time as its starting point. For example, if you set the accounting rollover interval to 6 hours, the first accounting file rollover will take place at the time specified by the Accounting Rollover Start Time attribute, and the second rollover six hours later. Syntax: SET DSA ACCOUNTING ROLLOVER INTERVAL