1 ZERO_COUNTERS Resets the link, node, and service counters maintained by the local node. You must have OPER privilege to use this command. Format ZERO COUNTERS 2 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG /NOLOG Specifies whether LATCP displays a message confirming that the counters were reset. If you do not specify the /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be displayed. /LINK /LINK[=link-name] Specifies the link (on your local node) for which you want counters reset. If you do not specify a link name, LATCP zeroes counters for the link LAT$LINK. /NODE /NODE[=node-name] Specifies the node for which you want counters reset. If you do not specify a node name, LATCP zeroes the counters for your local node. /PORT /PORT=port-name Specifies the port (on your local node) for which you want counters reset. /SERVICE /SERVICE=service-name Specifies the service (on your local node) for which you want counters reset. 2 Example LATCP> ZERO COUNTERS/SERVICE=LTVM LATCP> SHOW SERVICE LTVM /COUNTERS Service Name: LTVM Seconds Since Zeroed: 9 Connections Attempted: 0 Connections Accepted: 0 Connections Completed: 0 Connections Rejected: 0 The ZERO COUNTERS command in this example resets the counters kept for service LTVM. The display produced by the SHOW SERVICE command shows how the ZERO COUNTERS command reset the counters to zero.