1 RENAME Renames a file or directory within the same directory, or into another existing directory. Format COPY source-path-name target-path-name 2 Parameter source-path-name Specification of the source EFI$CP directory or EFI$CP file. target-path-name Specification of the target EFI$CP directory or EFI$CP file. 2 Description Renames the specified file or directory. The operation must occur on the same FAT12 or FAT16 device; RENAME operations cannot span devices. RMS-level RENAME operations are not permitted and are not supported. 2 Qualifiers /LOG /LOG (default) /NOLOG Controls whether log messages are displayed after the file is deleted. Qualifier Not Yet Implemented. RENAME LDA250:\A.TXT LDA250:\B.TXT The following example shows a directory being renamed. (The directory contents are preserved, of course.) EFI$CP> directory dva0: Directory DVA0: 16-OCT-2003 14:04:00.06 FOO EFI$CP> rename dva0:\foo dva0:\bar EFI$CP> directory dva0:\ Directory DVA0:\ 16-OCT-2003 14:04:00.06 BAR EFI$CP>