1 WRITE The WRITE (abbreviated WR) command creates a file from a specified range of lines. Format: WRITE file-spec [range] [/SEQUENCE[:init:incr]] When you specify a range, the text contained in that range becomes the file. When you do not specify a range, the contents of the current text buffer becomes the new file. The cursor position is not affected by the WRITE command. 2 /SEQUENCE Format: /SEQUENCE[:init:incr] When you use the /SEQUENCE option, the output file is in VFC (variable with fixed control) format, and line numbers are written in the control field. The values of both 'init' and 'incr' must be less than 65536. If you set init and incr, the file is renumbered starting with the number you choose for init, and the lines are incremented by the number you choose for incr. Otherwise, the line numbers assigned by EDT are written. These line numbers are truncated to integers and taken modulo 100000, with a maximum value of 65535.