1 RESEQUENCE The RESEQUENCE (abbreviated RES) command assigns new line numbers to a range of lines. Format: RESEQUENCE [range] [/SEQUENCE:init:incr] The specified range of lines must be contiguous. When you do not specify a range, all lines in the current buffer are resequenced. If the new numbers assigned would cause duplicate or nonsequential line numbers, EDT will either disallow the command or renumber lines beyond the specified range. Note that the total count of lines resequenced (which is displayed upon completion of the command), may differ from the number of lines originally specified in the range, due to the possibility of extra renumbering. 2 /SEQUENCE The SEQUENCE (abbreviated /SEQ) qualifier specifies the sequence of numbers to be assigned. The init parameter specifies the initial number, and incr specifies the number by which the lines are incremented. If you do not use the SEQUENCE qualifier, init and incr both default to 1. The maximum allowable line number is 2814749767. If, during resequencing, a line number plus 'incr' would exceed this value, that line and all remaining lines will be numbered 2814749767. You should correct this immediately by resequencing with a different 'init' and/or smaller 'incr'.