1 change 2 subtree 3 access Replaces an existing principal with a new principal in all ACEs associated with the subtree you specify. SYNOPSIS CHANGE SUBTREE tree-name[...] ACCESS old-principal new-principal [EXCLUDE entry-type] Arguments tree-name The name of the topmost directory in the subtree. When used without the optional recursion notation (...), the change applies only to the specified directory and the links and objects in that directory. The recursion notation causes the change to additionally apply to all child directories and their contents. old-principal The principal that you want to change. Principals can be specified as a group name or an individual name in the format nodename.username. new-principal The new principal. Principals can be specified as a group name or an individual name in the format nodename.username. entry-type One or more of the following arguments to exclude from principal modification: objects, links, or directories. Multiple directories can be excluded in a single command. Use any combination of the following entry-type specifiers, separating multiple arguments with commas: objects links directory directory-name Description This command changes all relevant access control entries (ACEs) associated with the directory specified in tree-name and all relevant ACEs associated with that directory's contents. You can use the optional recursion notation (...) to modify the ACEs associated with all the child directories and their contents. You can also use the optional exclude argument to restrict the type of entries affected by this command. ACCESS RIGHTS You must have control and write access to the directory you specify as well as to the contents of the directory. If you use the command recursively, you also need control and write access to all child directories (and their contents) of the directory you specify. 4 example The following command changes the old principal .pjl.smith to the new principal .ins.smith in all ACEs associated with the .admin directory and its contents. By using the recursion notation (...), the command additionally changes the ACEs of all child directories and their contents. dns> change subtree .admin... access .pjl.smith .ins.smith 3 group_member Replaces an existing group member's principal specification with a new group member's principal specification in all access control groups named in the directory or subtree that you specify. SYNOPSIS CHANGE SUBTREE tree-name[...] GROUP MEMBER old-member new-member [EXCLUDE DIRECTORY directory-name] Arguments tree-name The name of the topmost directory in the subtree. When used without the optional recursion notation, the change applies only to groups in the specified directory. The recursion notation causes the change to additionally apply to groups in all child directories. old-member The name of the existing group member that you want to replace. new-member The new name of the group member. directory-name One or more directories that contain groups you want to exclude from this change. Multiple directories can be excluded in a single command. Separate multiple arguments with commas. Description This command replaces an existing group member's principal specification with a new group member's principal specification in all access control groups named in the directory or subtree that you specify. Use the recursion notation (...) to extend the command's effect to the groups contained in all child directories of that directory. If you use the command recursively, you can use the optional exclude directory directory-name argument to exclude groups named in a particular directory (and all its child directories) from group member modification. You can exclude multiple directories in a single command. Separate multiple exclude directory directory-name arguments with commas. Access Rights You must have control access to the group whose member you intend to change. If you use the command recursively, you must have control access to all groups affected by the command. 4 example The following command replaces the old member .pjl.smith with new member .jmh.smith in all groups in the .admin directory and its child directories. dns> change subtree .admin... group member .pjl.smith .jmh.smith