1 SHOW KEY The SHOW KEY command displays the current key definitions for your keyboard. Format: SHOW KEY [key-name] [/qualifiers] 2 Parameters The command has the following optional parameter. key-name Specifies the name of the key whose definition is to be displayed. If you do not specify a key-name, you must specify the /ALL qualifier. 2 Command qualifiers The command has the following qualifiers: /ALL /BRIEF /FULL /STATE 2 /ALL /ALL Displays all the key definitions for your keyboard. You must not specify /ALL if you specify the key-name parameter. 2 /BRIEF /BRIEF Shows a brief display of the key definitions for your keyboard. The default is /BRIEF. 2 /FULL /FULL Specifies that all key definitions and qualifiers associated with a definition are displayed. 2 /STATE /STATE=(state,...) Displays the key definitions for the specified state(s). The default is to show the key definitions for all states. 2 Examples CTF> SHOW KEY KP2 Shows the current definition of KP2 in all states. CTF> SHOW KEY /ALL Shows the current definition of all keys in all states.