1 ATTACH The ATTACH command transfers control to the specified process. Format: ATTACH [process-name] [/qualifiers] 2 Parameters The command has one optional parameter. process-name Specifies the name of a parent process or spawned sub-process to which control passes. The process must already exist, must be part of your current job, and must share the same input stream as your current process. However, the process cannot be your current process or a sub-process created with the SPAWN command using the /NOWAIT qualifier. Process names can contain from 1 to 15 alphanumeric characters. If a connection to the specified process cannot be made, an error message is displayed. You may not specify a process name if you specify either the /IDENTIFICATION or /PARENT qualifier. 2 Command qualifiers The command has the following qualifiers: /IDENTIFICATION /PARENT 2 /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=PID Specifies the process identification of the process to which control is to be transferred. If you use this qualifier, you cannot specify either the /PARENT qualifier or the process-name parameter. 2 /PARENT /PARENT This is only valid if used from a sub-process. It specifies that control is to be returned to the parent process. If you use this qualifier, you cannot specify either the /IDENTIFICATION qualifier or the process-name parameter. 2 Examples CTF> ATTACH SMITH_1 Transfers control to the process called SMITH_1. CTF> ATTACH /IDENT=39400067 Also transfers control to the process SMITH_1, using its PID rather than its name. CTF> ATTACH /PARENT Transfers control back to the parent process.