11.3 LAN Shared Memory Device Driver Local Area Network (LAN) communications between OpenVMS Galaxy instances are supported by a new Ethernet LAN shared memory driver. This LAN driver communi- cates to other instances in the same Galaxy through shared memory. The ability to communicate to another instance through shared memory provides performance benefits over traditional LANs. The LAN shared memory driver, SYS$EBDRIVER, is loaded by the following command: $mcr sysman io conn eba/driver=sys$ebdriver/noadapter In a future release, this device driver will be loaded au- tomatically. For OpenVMS Version 7.2, in order for LAN protocols to automatically start over this LAN device (EBAn, where n is the unit number), the procedure for loading this driver should be added to the configuration procedure: sys$manager:syconfig.com . The LAN driver emulates an Ethernet LAN with frame for- mats the same as Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 but with maximum frame size increased from 1518 to 7360 bytes. The LAN driver presents a standard OpenVMS QIO and VCI interface to applications. All existing QIO and VCI LAN applications should work unchanged.