OpenVMS Alpha Galaxy Guide
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  Clear System Event

  Clear Event does not allow you to specify a handle and an
  event.  You must pass a zero as one of these parameters.  You
  can either clear by handle or request that all events for the
  user be cleared.

  Removes one or more notification requests previously estab-
  lished by a call to SYS$SET_SYSTEM_EVENT.


  SYS$CLEAR_SYSTEM_EVENT [handle], [acmode], event

  C Prototype:

  int sys$clear_system_event (struct _generic_64     * handle,
  unsigned int acmode, unsigned int event);



  OpenVMS usage:               identifier
  type:                        quadword (unsigned)

  access:                      read only
  mechanism:                   by reference

  Identification of the AST request to be cleared.  The  han-
  dle argument uniquely identifies the request and is returned
  when the $SET_SYSTEM_EVENT service is called.  The
  handle   argument may be omitted by specifying a zero


  OpenVMS usage:               access_mode
  type:                        longword (unsigned )

  access:                      read only
  mechanism:                   by value

  Access mode of the system event to be cleared.  The    acmode
  argument is a longword containing the access mode.  The
  value of the access mode is maximized with the access mode
  of the caller.


  OpenVMS usage:               event_code
  type:                        longword (unsigned)

  access:                      read only
  mechanism:                   by value

  The  event  argument is a value indicating the type of sys-
  tem event to be cleared.  SYSEVT$C_ALL_EVENTS may be
  specified to clear all event types.


  The Clear System Event service removes one or more event
  types or notification objects previously established by a call to
  the $SET_SYSTEM_EVENT service.

  A valid request specifies either the  handle   for a specific
  notification request, or is a wildcard clear of all notifica-
  tion objects whose is access mode is greater than or equal to
  acmode    .

  If the handle   argument is specified, caller's access mode
  must be less than or equal to the access mode of the object to
  be cleared.

  If SYSEVT$C_ALL_EVENTS is specified, or the set of events
  enabled for the object(s) becomes empty, the notification object
  is deleted.

  Required Access or Privileges


  Required Quota


  Related Services


  Condition Values Returned

  SS$_NORMAL                   The service completed successfully.

  SS$_ACCVIO                   The service cannot access the location
                               specified by the handle.

  SS$_BADPARAM                 One of more arguments has an invalid
                               value, such as an invalid handle.
  SS$_NOSUCHOBJ                No request was found that matches
                               the description supplied
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