13.4 SYS$CREATE_GALAXY_LOCK This services allocates a galaxy lock block from a locktable created with the SYS$CREATE_GALAXY_LOCK_TABLE service. It then uses SYS$INIT_GALAXY_LOCK to initialize it. sys$create_galaxy_lock(lcktbl_handle, name, timeout, size, ipl, rank, handle) size parameter (bytes) type usage lcktbl_handle 4 input by value lock table handle name 8 input by ref address of 16 byte ASCIZ name of galaxy lock timeout 4 input by value default wait timeout (10 microsecond units) size 4 input by value size of lock ipl 4 input by value IPL of lock (kernel mode only) rank 4 input by value rank of lock (not imple- mented) handle 8 output by ref handle for the new lock Return status: SS$_ACCVIO SS$_BADLCKTBL SS$_BADPARAM SS$_CREATED SS$_IVLOCKID SS$_IVLOCKTBL SS$_INSFMEM SS$_NOPRIV SS$_NOSHMEM SS$_NORMAL